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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN NS: Marijuana Contract Could Be Lucrative
Title:CN NS: Marijuana Contract Could Be Lucrative
Published On:2000-10-17
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 05:04:03

Alberta Firm Looking At Bunker Sites For Government Contract To Grow
Medicinal Pot

TRURO - Marijuana is about all Loren Wiberg has on his mind these days,
although he's quick to point out he doesn't drink or do drugs.

The lone shareholder of the Alberta-based Zyx Corp. (pronounced zikes) is
becoming well-known in central Nova Scotia for his idea to turn underground
nuclear fallout shelters, like one in Debert, into medicinal marijuana
growing, processing and research facilities.

Wiberg's preferred location is Penhold, Alta., located only minutes from
his home. But that shelter is scheduled for demolition unless he can
convince government officials in his area to keep it intact.

"Debert is our number one site until we can get the government to come
through on Penhold...we're confident we'll be able to change their mind,"
he said during a telephone interview Monday.

Meanwhile, Ed Koenig, executive director of the Colchester Park Development
Society which operates the Debert `Diefenbunker' as it is called, said last
week his group was approached by the company for basic information about
the shelter, but he hasn't seen any firm proposals or business plans on
which to comment.

Wiberg said the $5-million contract to grow marijuana for Health Canada
over five years will mean jobs for at least 10 to 12 people, including
former RCMP officers, he intends to hire for the handling of security.

The businessman isn't giving up hope for the Alberta site, but has also
sent out feelers to Debert and to the Carp bunker near Ottawa where he is
optimistic owners-operators of those facilities will support his project
because of the positive economic impact.

Debert appeals to Wiberg because the bunker's operator was one of the first
organizations he contacted that seemed to grasp his concept, and see how
ideal such facilities are for his purposes.

Koenig said his group isn't interested in renting the bunker for the sake
of the money, but it is interested in jobs and economic spinoffs.

Wiberg said the bunkers are ideal because of their sizes (in Debert 66,000
square feet); the pre-existing security; and abundance of similar rooms for
controlled growing research.

Security is a priority for the project. The federal government contract
will be for 1,865 kilograms of marijuana over the five years, costing $2.89
per gram. The street value of the drugs could be $10 per gram, making it an
attractive product to criminals.

"We'll be able to account (in inventory) to a fraction of a gram," he said,
referring to the quality controls he is proposing.

As part of its research, the firm wants to take 450 species of marijuana
and grow them using hydroponics but under different conditions. The
ultimate goal is to create the best plants to assist medicinal users of
marijuana. Such research could be sold world-wide.

Wiberg submitted his proposal to the federal government in June. He said he
believes he is a front runner among four or five other companies to win the
contract, which is supposed to be awarded in December.

"We have a well-rounded proposal...we're not just growers."

If he receives the contract, Wiberg will move his operation immediately to
be near the selected bunker, with start-up set for January.

A series of bunkers were built in remote areas across Canada in the 1960s
and all, except for the ones in Debert and Carp, have been turned over to
private companies or been sealed.

The Debert bunker is in an industrial park and was offered for lease a few
years ago, complete with its cafeteria and hospital facilities. But the
structure, which was built to withstand earthquakes, tidal waves and
nuclear fall-out, wasn't snapped up.

Urban legend in Alberta says the Penhold bunker fell back into government
hands after it was rumoured a private buyer of the property was considering
reselling it to a notorious motorcycle gang.
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