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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: End This Wasteful War On Cannabis
Title:UK: PUB LTE: End This Wasteful War On Cannabis
Published On:2000-10-21
Source:Evening Courier (UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:43:29

I HOPE the "joint confession" of the eight Tory top guns will make it much easier for other politicians to come out and "just say no" to the costly and ineffective war on cannabis.

It also confirms what pro-cannabis campaigners have been saying for years, that cannabis smokers can be found in every section of society and are inspired, industrious individuals, certainly not dangerous, and it's time we stopped treating good people as criminals.

William Hague says he is going to ask the "drug action this" and "anti drug that" organisations (the very people whose jobs depend on cannabis being illegal) whether we should legalise cannabis!

Charles Kennedy wants another Royal Commission and Tony Blair is remarkably quiet.

The Legalise Cannabis Alliance would like to further the debate. We propose a series of conferences on cannabis and human rights. We will invite Press, teachers, police, solicitors, drug workers, trade unions and, of course, the general public.

(Legalise Cannabis Alliance)
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