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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MA: Voters Will Be Asked To Decriminalize Marijuana
Title:US MA: Voters Will Be Asked To Decriminalize Marijuana
Published On:2000-10-24
Source:Eagle-Tribune, The (MA)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:31:53

Fourth Essex District Will Vote On A Nonbonding Marijuana Decriminalization
Question On Nov. 7

Georgetown - Calling it a "traumatic experience for everyone," Steven S.
Epstein, founder of the Massachusetts Cannabis Coalition, listed what he
believes are "overly punitive" sentences against marijuana users.

Mr. Epstein, a lawyer who lives in Georgetown, said depending on their
record, those charged with marijuana possession could face probation or up
to two years in jail and be fined up to $2,000. They could also have their
driver's license suspended for up to five years and lose other privileges,
such as federally guaranteed student loans.

He calls arresting and criminally prosecuting marijuana users "a waste of

Mr. Epstein feels so strongly about the issue that he hopes to turn around
the state laws against marijuana possession, changing it from a criminal
offense to a civil violation. With the help of 290 registered voters, Mr.
Epstein managed to get a nonbinding question on the Fourth Essex
Representative District Ballot.

On Nov. 7, voters from Boxford, Precinct 2 in Georgetown, Hamilton,
Ipswich, Manchester by-the-Sea and Wenham will be able to weigh in on the

The question asks: "Shall the representative of this district be instructed
to introduce and for legislation that would make possession of marijuana a
civil violation, like a traffic ticket instead of a criminal offense, and
requiring the police to hold a person under 18 cited for possession until
released to a parent or legal guardian, or brought before a judge?"

Republican state Rep. Bradford R. Hill, who is running against Libertarian
Francis Mackay-Smith, said if he were elected, it would take a "huge
majority" for him to propose marijuana decriminalization to the state

"Eighty percent of the people would have to say, 'Brad, go do this,' " he said.

But, Rep. Hill added, "I'd be very surprised if it passes at all."

In a recent interview, Rep. Hill said he received 13 calls from people
"absolutely against this."

"They consider it a mind-altering drug like alcohol," he said, that can
affect driving and cause accidents.

Mr. Mackay-Smith, however, said he would support such a measure if elected
to the Legislature, and if voters agreed with Mr. Epstein.

Speaking of Vice President Al Gore, President Bill Clinton and Texas Gov.
George W. Bush, he said, "All three admitted to using marijuana . . . Would
they be better off now having served a five-year jail sentence?" he asked.
"I don't think so."

If the question passes, Mr. Epstein would give a draft of the proposed
legislation to whoever wins the state House seat. He said the proposed law
would impose a fine of $300 to those found in possession of the
drug. People charged with intent to distribute would be treated as they
are under current law.

Opponents to the question have argued marijuana is a gateway to stronger
drugs, such as cocaine, and that decriminalizing marijuana use is the first
step to legalizing the drug. They say if penalties are relaxed more young
adults will be encouraged to use marijuana.

Mr. Epstein disagrees. He points to Dr. Lynn Zimmer's and Dr. John P.
Morgan's book, "Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts" to back his arguments. In
this 241-page book, the two authors try to dispel the idea that marijuana
is an addictive, gateway drug, and that it impairs memory and cognition.

But Rep. Hill said about Mr. Epstein, "He thinks it's recreation. Clearly,
it is not."

Rep. Hill believes there are "bigger issues" to deal with, such as
prescription drugs and open space. "It's probably on the low end of the
priority list," he said.
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