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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Drug User 'Must Fight His Problem'
Title:UK: Drug User 'Must Fight His Problem'
Published On:2000-10-26
Source:Belfast Telegraph (UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:21:06

A SUSPECTED top drug dealer, who admitted having cannabis with a
street value of pounds 20,000, has been jailed for two years on
condition he serves two years probation on his release to help fight
his own drug problems.

Belfast Crown Court heard yesterday that police uncovered the drugs in
a garage at the Moteland home on the Old Hollywood Road in Belfast of
48-year-old Robert Smith on March 30 this year.

Prosecuting lawyer Peter Sefton said police suspected Smith of being
"at least a significant player in the drugs business" and responsible
for bringing in a large quantity of cannabis for sale to other dealers.

He added that Smith told police he had bought the drugs for pounds 50
and sold for up to pounds 8,000 to dealers, who would in turn sell
them on for further profit for themselves.

However, defence QC John Cushnahan said Smith could only be sentenced
for what he had admitted, possession of drugs and possession with
intent to supply and not for any suspicions the police may hold.

He added that Smith, who holds degrees in psychology and design, is a
drug user himself, brought on by feelings of stress and his financial
responsibility to others, but now was willing to accept help with his

Successfully applying for a custody-probation sentence in Smith's
case, Mr Cushnahan said such a sentence would allow something to be
done to help him "break this cycle of drug taking".
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