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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Pot Helps With Epilepsy
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Pot Helps With Epilepsy
Published On:2000-10-25
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:20:02

I have chronic retractable epilepsy, and over the past 28 years I've tried
several pharmaceutical drugs. The only medicine that worked for me was
Marinol, synthetic marijuana, which I got a clean EEG on and did not have
anywhere near the number of seizures I have now. I was taken off of it by a
doctor for political reasons. One, the drug has not been approved for
epilepsy yet. Two, the FDA. Three, the doctor was worried about her license
and reputation.

Some of the medicines doctors prescribe for me have side effects like
falling, not being able to get up by myself, lethargy, convulsions,
drowsiness, depression, appetite loss, reported sudden deaths and comas.
These medicines do not control my seizures, and I have to be supervised and
cannot work because of the likelihood of injury from seizures.

The war on drugs against marijuana has killed people, and it is a war
against ill people who medically benefit from it. To try to scare people
with lies is dangerous because when people find out they have been lied to
about marijuana, they will go on to try other things to see if they have
been lied to about them too.

I suggest people study marijuana and its uses (it controls seizures, muscle
spasms, pain, arthritis, migraine headaches, appetite loss, cancer, AIDS,
insomnia, stress management, hyperactivity, asthma, leukemia, glaucoma and
so on) to help them decide on Proposition 5.

- -- Julie Grondahl

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