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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Pot Smokers Don't Bite
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Pot Smokers Don't Bite
Published On:2000-10-25
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:19:11

Why is marijuana such an emotional issue? To me it is a matter of civil rights. I smoke pot. For generations male adults in my family have been alcoholics, and I have been able to break the cycle of addiction with the help of hemp. I have never hurt anyone (except perhaps myself), I am a good father (five great kids), I volunteer my time and money (school, soccer, hockey, Cub Scouts, election campaigns, public broadcasting, feeding and clothing the hungry and homeless, to name a few), and I vote! In short, I am a good citizen.

Why then, in a supposedly free country, am I labeled a criminal for choosing pot over booze? People who would restrict my freedom and label me as a deviant and a criminal don't even have a good reason to do so. Therefore, they have to resort to ridiculous lies, half-truths and scare tactics. Why else would Gov. Tony Knowles say Proposition 5 "legalizes marijuana use for all Alaskans, children and adults" (Letters, Oct. 11) when the official ballot summary says, "This bill would do away with civil and criminal penalties for persons 18 years or older who use marijuana"? Why else would former federal district attorney Wev Shea say that Proposition 5 would make "Alaska a major gateway for the U.S. drug trade" (official election pamphlet) when this initiative would take pot out of the black market?

I'm sure that lies like these circulated in 1933 when our country debated the wisdom of Prohibition. Can't we learn anything from history? Would those of you who would tell me how to live my life please answer my questions? Why are you so afraid of people like me? We don't bite.
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