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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Stop Lies - Vote Yes On Prop. 5
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Stop Lies - Vote Yes On Prop. 5
Published On:2000-10-26
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 04:18:26
More than 1,000 Americans die prematurely each day from tobacco use.
Not only is this tolerated, but the U.S. government gives billions,
with a B, of our tax dollars to tobacco farmers every year to ensure
tobacco farmers stay in business.

With this in mind, I can't understand why the government spends
resources much needed elsewhere to pursue, prosecute, and imprison
adults who grow and/or smoke marijuana.

Adults who currently use marijuana don't deserve to be jailed. Adults
who used it in the past deserve amnesty. Adults choosing to use
marijuana in the future should not have to fear being jailed.

The war on marijuana has brought us some police willing to use
improperly issued warrants to conduct illegal searches, houses being
seized on charges that are later dropped, warrantless intrusive
searches by forward looking infrared helicopters, and lives and
families being devastated by marijuana prohibition laws. It has even
induced a former U.S. attorney for Alaska and our current governor to
put into print statements about Proposition 5 that are easily proved
as false. Both put into print that Proposition 5 requires restitution.
Absolutely not true.

Let's stop the lies and legalize. Join me in voting yes on Proposition
5 this Nov. 7. As always, voter apathy begets tyranny.

James Garhart,
"Lazy Mt. Jim",
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