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News (Media Awareness Project) - Indonesia: Ecstasy Pills, 'Shabu-Shabu' Seized
Title:Indonesia: Ecstasy Pills, 'Shabu-Shabu' Seized
Published On:2000-10-30
Source:Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:57:15

JAKARTA (JP): West Jakarta Police detectives arrested a suspected drug
manufacturer for possession of over 23,000 ecstasy pills among other
drugs,at a factory in Duta Harapan Indah housing complex of Penjaringan,
North Jakarta, on Saturday night.

The drugs carry a net worth of Rp 3 billion (US$344,000).

West Jakarta Police Chief Supt. Iwan Nuriswan Ismet identified the suspect
as Anthony Yapto, alias Ahong, 46, from Medan, North Sumatra.

"We got Ahong's name from a drug suspect, Washington, who had previously
been arrested. We caught Ahong while he was drawing out money from an ATM
(automated teller machine) in the housing complex," Iwan told reporters at
the police precinct on Sunday.

Iwan said detectives were led by Ahong to the ecstasy factory, in Block RR
of the housing complex.

Police seized the pills, 650 grams of shabu-shabu (crystal methamphetamine)
and a nine millimeter caliber FN gun, among other things, from the factory
and the suspect.

Ahong has confessed, Iwan said, to having received the raw material to
produce the drugs, from two men from Singapore.

"Those men arrive here and contact Ahong. Each visit they offer Ahong two
kilograms of the raw materials, from which Ahong produces the ecstasy
pills," Iwan said.

"Ahong gives the pills to the men, who pay him Rp 1,000 for each pill.
Should anybody make a bulk order directly with Ahong, Ahong charges them
Rp20,000 per pill... he keeps Rp 5,000 made from the sale of each pill, and
the rest goes to the two men."
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