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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: Episcopal Rector Charged In Drug Distribution
Title:US MD: Episcopal Rector Charged In Drug Distribution
Published On:2000-11-02
Source:Washington Times (DC)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:37:03

Montgomery County, Md., police have arrested an Episcopal clergyman on
methamphetamine distribution charges in one of the biggest seizures of the
drug in the area, police said yesterday.

The Rev. Travers C. Koerner, 55, rector of St. Bartholomew's Protestant
Episcopal Church in Laytonsville, was arrested with at least $10,000 in
drugs at the rectory on Tuesday afternoon, police said.

Mr. Koerner, who was awaiting trial this month on a similar charge in
Arlington County, is at the center of a cross-country investigation
involving local and federal law enforcement agencies.

Mr. Koerner is charged with possession with intent to distribute a
controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous
substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

A judge yesterday set his bond at $2 million "full cash," which means he
must post the entire amount, rather than the usual 10 percent.

The Episcopal Diocese of Washington has placed Mr. Koerner on
administrative leave, and may take further action based on the outcome of
the two cases, a spokeswoman said.

Bishop Ronald H. Haines was aware of Mr. Koerner's arrest March 14 on a
charge of possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine in Arlington
County, said Daphne Gerig, the spokeswoman.

"The bishop had him under observation due to that. The bishop was keeping
an eye on him, but not looking over his shoulder."

Bishop Haines is expected to meet with leaders of St. Bartholomew's tonight
to decide what to do at this time, Miss Gerig said.

Miss Gerig said the diocese did not dismiss Mr. Koerner after his arrest in
Arlington because he has not been convicted, he had no known prior criminal
history and there were no complaints of problems from the congregation at
St. Bartholomew's.

Methamphetamine - or "speed" as it's known on the streets - can be snorted
or injected, though the most common method is smoking crystals of the drug.
While it is typically a young person's drug, police said Mr. Koerner
appeared to be a user: investigators found needles in his home and marks on
his body.

"The needle marks he had were just unbelievable," said Sgt. Kirk J. Holub,
supervisor of the Montgomery County police interdiction unit.

But the amount of narcotics seized also indicates he was in business, and
not just a recreational user, officials said.

Based on the amount of drugs seized and its origins in Southern California,
police believe Mr. Koerner is a member of some type of drug organization.

"He has access and connections," Sgt. Holub said.

Mr. Koerner, who arrived at St. Bartholomew's in January of last year, had
already been under investigation by the U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who
noticed he was shipping large amounts of cash across the country.

After alerts from postal inspectors and Arlington authorities, Montgomery
County police kept an eye on Mr. Koerner.

When a tip came in on Tuesday saying a drug shipment was on its way to Mr.
Koerner, the interdiction unit kicked into gear, setting up a sting operation.

"You can put two and two together for what's going on. The tip was the
straw that broke the camel's back," Sgt. Holub said.

The undercover sting on Mr. Koerner yielded more drugs than police
bargained for. After an officer posing as a delivery truck driver handed
Mr. Koerner the package of methamphetamines, Mr. Koerner handed the officer
his own package to deliver to California. That package contained a large
amount of methamphetamine as well, Sgt. Holub said.

The investigation is not over.

Police seized so much methamphetamine that they still don't have an exact
total, but there are at least 100 small bags of about an ounce each.

Postal inspectors and the Drug Enforcement Administration are chasing leads
in California and elsewhere, while police in Arlington and Montgomery
counties are teaming up to find local accomplices.

Montgomery County police are hoping to receive more tips about people who
may have worked with Mr. Koerner, or noticed anything suspicious about him.

Police computer technicians still have to examine Mr. Koerner's laptop,
which he was using when police arrested him. Finance investigators will
audit the church's books to see if anyone has been raiding the church
financial accounts.

Mr. Koerner had undergone the required criminal background check and
prevention training for adult sexual misconduct and child abuse, just like
other diocesan employees. "The diocese practices all due diligence in
seeking a background check," Miss Gerig said. The diocese does not perform
drug tests on its employees.

In recent years, meth labs have been found in both major cities and rural
areas, but police do not think the drug has made significant inroads in
Montgomery County. "Meth has moved mainstream," Sgt. Holub said.
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