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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: LTE: Con Bunde Doing A Good Job
Title:US AK: LTE: Con Bunde Doing A Good Job
Published On:2000-11-03
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:33:35

Most people are surprised the first time they read Proposition 5. It's not
just about legalizing marijuana, it's about letting convicted criminals go
free, using taxpayer dollars to pay criminals and it makes drugs more
available in Alaska.

Proposition 5 isn't difficult to understand -- actually it's all too clear.
The first time we read it, we about fell out of our chairs.

Yet, as late as Oct. 21, Pat Abney said she still was undecided about
Proposition Measure 5 (it's been approved for the ballot since July!), but
when pressed on the issue again and again, she now says that she opposes it.
What part about Proposition 5 was confusing to her? How long does it take
for someone to make up their mind that dumping a slew of convicted drug
dealers on Alaska's streets and then rewarding them with taxpayer dollars is
a bad idea? I'm glad to say that for most people it only takes one read.

Luckily, South Anchorage is represented by Con Bunde -- a bright, hard
working conservative legislator who puts families, children and safe
communities first. Rep. Bunde has consistently fought for tough, fair
anti-crime laws and has provided critical tools for law enforcement to
better protect Alaska's kids. Thanks Con, you're doing a great job and we're
proud that you represent us in Juneau.

- -- Portia and Kyle Parker
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