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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Fringe Parties Hope To Enter Campaign
Title:Canada: Fringe Parties Hope To Enter Campaign
Published On:2000-11-04
Source:The Daily Courier (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:22:16

MONTREAL (CP) - You won't find promises to legalize pot, increase
meditation or end free trade in the Liberal or Alliance platforms during
this election race.

But several political parties scattered on the fringe of the campaign are
calling for those and other unlikely changes.

Aside from the five major political parties vying for votes Nov.27 there
are also several lesser known groups hoping to play a role in the campaign.

They might not have the money or widespread backing to compete with the
mainstream parties but they argue they've got alternative ideas on their
side. They'll discuss some of those ideas in an Internet debate on Nov. 20.

Some fringe candidates are even running against high-profile names like
Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe and Consevative Leader Joe Clark.

Marc-Boris St-Maurice, leader of the Marijuana party, says he's advocating
the decriminalization of pot because, like it or not, it's here to stay.

He claims most Canadians agree marijuana should not be prohibited because
it's relatively harmless when used responsibly and has important medical uses.

"Public opinion polls are way behind us," said St.-Maurice , 31, who plans
to run against Duceppe in the Montreal riding Laurier-Ste-Marie.

"The sovereigntist movement would die to have the kind of public opinion
polls we have."
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