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News (Media Awareness Project) - South Africa: The Bard And Dope: Was This Such Stuff As Dreams
Title:South Africa: The Bard And Dope: Was This Such Stuff As Dreams
Published On:2000-11-05
Source:Independent on Sunday (UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:11:34

What stirred the mind of William Shakespeare to such prodigious feats of
creativity? The boundless vision of a natural genius, or something more exotic?

Two South African scientists think they know the answer and are about to
embark on a series of forensic tests to prove a case that will blow smoke
in the eyes of traditional Shakespearean scholarship.

Dr Frances Thackeray and Professor Nick van der Merwe believe that the man
who bestrides the classical canon was not just a genius, but a very early
pot head.

They have commissioned scientists from the police laboratories in Pretoria
to analyse the contents of several clay pipes retrieved from New Place in
Stratford-upon-Avon ­ Shakespeare's home until his death in 1616. And,
using gas chromatography, they hope to establish just what once burned in
the 400-year-old relics.

Dr Thackeray, head of palaeontology at the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria,
believes that Shakespeare's words themselves suggest a hallucinatory
influence. This is, after all, the poet who in Sonnet 76 wrote of
"invention in a noted weed".

In a paper written for the Shakespearean Society of Southern Africa, he
points to the Bard's use of complex imagery of jewellery, darkness and
mental journeys ­ suggestive of a drug-induced vision ­ and argues that
cannabis may help account for the writer's formidable productivity. Could
the dark lady herself be a reference to the creative but dangerous forces
of the weed, he asks?

"There are very few literary scholars who have recognised the potential
link between Shake-speare and hallucinogenic stimuli. This project has
Stratford agog," said Dr Thackeray.

"A close reading of his sonnets and some other lines suggests that he was
aware of them and may have experienced the effects himself. The sonnets are
full of riddles ­ there's a lot more to be done on them.

"In Shakespeare's sonnets we have reference to the effect of substances
distilled from flowers, long after the plant has died. For example: 'But
flowers distilled, though they with winter meet, leese but their show;
their substance still lives sweet' (Sonnet 5).

"At the very least there is a high probability that William Shakespeare had
a knowledge of hallucinogens."

The theory is lent more credence by the ready availability of the weed in
16th- and 17th-century England. Cannabis smoking may not be well recorded,
but it is far from implausible in a seafaring nation where the ships relied
on rope and canvas ­ all made from the cannabis plant itself in the form of
hemp. Even the paper for the King James Bible was manufactured from
cannabis fibre, as was paper for some of Shakespeare's early works.

In its industrial form, hemp, cannabis has a low level of the
hallucinogenic THC chemical, but varieties of the same plant are known to
have stimulated the minds of writers and artists for hundreds of years.

"Was hemp known in Europe or used as a hallucinogen in Elizabethan times?"
asks Dr Thackeray. "Certainly, Portuguese travellers in India were aware of
hallucinogenic hemp in the 16th century. Notably, just one year before
Shakespeare's birth, G da Orta in 1563 had written Colloquies on the
Simples and Drugs of India, which included reference to the properties of
resinous cannabis.

"European explorers passing through southern Africa were also aware of the
use of cannabis among indigenous African populations," he said.

Professor Van der Merwe, until recently Clay professor of scientific
archaeology at Harvard, said chemical analysis of dirt and residue from the
clay pipes would be complicated. But it could establish what was smoked in
Stratford at the time. He has, for instance, found cannabis in Ethiopian
pipes dating to the 13th or 14th centuries. "I am just keeping a watching
brief so that proper chemistry is done," he said.
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