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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN QU: G. 'Dubya' Toked With Spaceman
Title:CN QU: G. 'Dubya' Toked With Spaceman
Published On:2000-11-07
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:07:04

Montreal -- Former major league pitcher Bill (Spaceman) Lee said he's
rooting for George W. Bush in the U.S. presidential race because he once
smoked pot with the candidate.

"The way things are now, people want to party and George W. is the kind of
guy you can party with," The Montreal Gazette quoted Lee as saying. "Back
in 1973, we rolled a couple of doobies (marijuana cigarettes) and smoked
them together. I can tell you -- he definitely inhaled."

The Gazette said Lee made similar remarks on TV earlier in the campaign.

The former rebel left-hander with the Montreal Expos and Boston Red Sox was
often at odds with baseball officials during his career and once, when
facing suspension for the use of illegal drugs, claimed he only got
marijuana to sprinkle on his breakfast cereal.
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