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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Pot-TV High On Effort To Legalize Marijuana
Title:US: Pot-TV High On Effort To Legalize Marijuana
Published On:2000-11-08
Source:USA Today (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 03:03:17

This is one Web site that is happy to go up in smoke.

Welcome to Pot-TV, featuring news and video shows dedicated to --
yes, marijuana.

Based in the basement of founder and longtime pot advocate Marc Emery
of Vancouver, British Columbia, shows include Marijuana News; the
Healing Herb Hour (medical marijuana issues); Shake 'n' Bake
(pot-laden recipes); and the Grow Show.

The site, funded by Emery's illegal sale of pot seeds to the tune of
$220,000, has been up and running for several months and is growing
in popularity, he says. The message is simple: The site advocates
legalization at every turn, something Emery also has promoted in his
magazine, Cannabis Culture. But the Net magnifies the message, says
Chris Bennett, host of Burning Shiva Hour, which relates the history
of cannabis.

''If the pen is mightier than the sword, then the PC is mightier than
the atomic bomb,'' Bennett says. ''People talk about pirate radio,
but this is so much further reaching and so much more accessible.''

Plus, the Net can run shows that no TV network would touch. Thousands
visit every day.

The main drawback, says Emery, who's been convicted on pot-related
charges ''many times'' (but never for issues relating to this site),
is that it's hard to attract advertisers. ''We haven't drawn any
revenue yet. We're an illegal subject.''

Emery is confident that pot will become legal. But for now, cops
aren't quite sure how to treat Pot-TV -- the Web didn't exist when
pot laws were passed.

Meanwhile, those behind the site are not only developing more shows,
they're smoking copious amounts of marijuana. ''While I've been
talking to you, I've been smoking weed here,'' Bennett says. ''It's
part of our culture. We don't feel it's a debilitating thing.''
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