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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: Europeans Interested In Hemp Products
Title:CN MB: Europeans Interested In Hemp Products
Published On:2000-11-16
Source:Western Producer (CN SN)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 02:16:39

The men from Hemp Oil Canada just had to say "cannabis" and they found they
were speaking an international language at the SIAL food show in Paris.

Wally Curti and Shawn Crew of Manitoba took their hemp oil-based
toiletries, cooking oil and hemp coffee to the world's largest food show in
late October expecting everyone in Europe to know what they were selling.

"There is more awareness in Canada because it was illegal, then legalized,"
Curti said.

Hemp can be legally grown in Europe, which is where Canadians obtained
their original seeds.

But the cosmopolitan visitors to SIAL drew a blank when they stopped at the
Canadian pavilion where the products were on display.

Once they explained it was related to marijuana without the hallucinogenic
effects, people became curious about the shampoos, lotions, pet treats and
toasted seeds.

They also liked the cold-pressed oil with its nutty taste. It is better as
a salad dressing than a cooking oil. Some like it as a vitamin supplement.

Hemp Oil Canada is based in Ste. Agathe, Man., but is attempting to make
contacts with broader markets outside of Canada.

It contracted about 20 farmers to grow a strain of hemp that produces more
seed because it wants the rich oil for its products.

"It hasn't been easy. We like that. If it was easy everyone would have been
in it," Curti said.

Besides making European contacts, the company has sealed a deal with an
American company that wants birdseed.

It has also developed a specialty coffee that sells for about $6 per pound.

"It's a niche product. We're selling lots as gifts and novelties."
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