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News (Media Awareness Project) - US ID: LTE: No Excuses
Title:US ID: LTE: No Excuses
Published On:2000-11-18
Source:Idaho State Journal (ID)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 02:09:31

Concerning the letter dated Oct. 13, from Mr. Abe Gibbons: Mr. Gibbons, I
am not surprised to hear that you and your fellow inmates feel that you got
a bad deal from the judicial system.

However, I feel that if you choose to use then you should expect to receive
a harsh penalty; zero tolerance means that we, as a society, are not going
to stand for your inappropriate behavior any longer. Especially when you
are danger to our wellbeing.

Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug in that it causes its users to undergo
chemically induced schizophrenia (audio, visual hallucinations, as well as
extreme paranoia and violent tendencies).

The users and makers of this vile poison give up the right to their
freedom. You ask for treatment, well, you found the drug, you find the
treatment. It is not my responsibility as a taxpayer to see that you get
help for a problem that you brought on yourself.

If you desire to be educated and morally righteous, then perhaps you should
look into going back to school and attending church.

I resent the way that you put blame on the police efforts to stop the mass
insanity that has invaded our erstwhile peaceful community.

If it wasn't for people like you, Mr. Gibbons, then there would be no need
for a war on drugs. Yet if that is what it takes, then so be it.

I say more power to the task force in its efforts to rid us of this deadly
addiction. Furthermore, just because you know the recipe for this garbage
doesn't mean that you have to run out and make a fresh batch. Just about
anyone who has a television set or reads the paper can figure out how to
make it, but the majority prefer to earn money the decent way, by working
for it.

So stop whining, Mr. Gibbons, and do your time. Try to learn from your
mistakes so that when you are released you could contribute to society
instead of taking away from it.

Jan Savard, Pocatello
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