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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Don't Forget The Well-To-Do
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Don't Forget The Well-To-Do
Published On:2000-11-19
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 02:08:19

Re: Welfare Drug Test Plan Sets Off Storm, Nov. 14.

Ontario's government doesn't want social services recipients
``shooting their welfare cheques up their arms,'' warns Ontario Social
Services Minister John Baird, ``Anyone who refuses to take treatment
will lose their benefits.''

Given the well-known widespread use of cocaine among the professional
and corporate classes (not to mention alcohol), may I suggest the following:

Before granting any further of its much-touted income and corporate
tax cuts, the government institute mandatory drug testing for all
citizens with a stock portfolio earning more than, say, a hundred grand.

After all, we don't want their hard-earned tax benefits disappearing
up their noses!

To paraphrase Premier Mike Harris, just because somebody's making a
bundle on Bay Street doesn't mean we should give up on them.

``We ought to be doing everything that we can to be providing
rehabilitation and assistance.''

Zane Boyd, Hamilton
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