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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: PUB LTE: Money Tops Morals In Drug War
Title:US AK: PUB LTE: Money Tops Morals In Drug War
Published On:2000-11-20
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:55:26

I must respond to Jena-Lee Wright's question ("Are morals worth money?"
Letters, Nov. 17): "Exactly when did we decide to lose our morals in order
to save money?" That's a no-brainer. This country not only lost its morals
to save money, it lost them to make money. Yes, that's why we continue to
spend $15 billion a year to fight the war on drugs. Not only is it immoral
for a government to wage war against its own people, it's immoral to make
money and build our economy on the backs of people who are suffering from
an addiction.

I am not pro-legalization, but I am for decriminalization. I feel people
should not go to jail for simply using drugs. If they commit a real crime
like driving under the influence, robbing to support their habit, etc.,
then by all means they should pay their debt to society. Our criminal
justice system -- oxymoron in itself -- is fair only if you're able to
afford proper defense. In fact, you can get away with murder if you have
enough money. Our political system has become one of the most shameful
losses of morals because of the very same reason: money.

To Jena-Lee Wright, in the immortal words of a certain PTA president of a
local elementary school: Welcome to America.

- -- Mike G. Breaux

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