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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: U.S. Drug War Chief Says Marxist Rebels Behind
Title:Colombia: U.S. Drug War Chief Says Marxist Rebels Behind
Published On:2000-11-22
Source:CNN.com (US Web)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:51:51

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) -- The lead soldier in the U.S. war on drugs,
departing White House drug policy coordinator Gen. Barry McCaffrey, says
Marxist rebels are behind "a giant increase" in Colombia's cocaine
production and are now a dominant force in the narcotics trade.

"I am absolutely unabashed in telling you that the principal organizing
entity of cocaine production in the world is the FARC," said McCaffrey,
referring to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

McCaffrey, who has served as U.S. President Bill Clinton's director of
national drug control policy since March 1996, spoke to foreign journalists
on his arrival in Colombia late Sunday for a two-day fact-finding visit.

The trip was expected to be the retired general's last to the world's
leading cocaine-producing nation, before his planned resignation in early

McCaffrey was a leading architect of the congressionally approved $1.3
billion package of mostly military aid for Colombia to help thwart the
country's booming drug trade and the guerrilla groups that protect and
profit from it.

In his remarks he staunchly defended the aid package, which aims to halve
drug production over five years in Colombia.

But McCaffrey -- who critics accuse of opening the door to direct U.S.
military involvement in Colombia's increasingly brutal internal conflict --
conceded there was "some unknown terrain" in front of the United States as
it seeks to shore up Colombia's fragile democracy and "establish sovereign
law" in rebel-dominated areas of the country's south.

"With the front-end of the process there are great risks and great
uncertainties," McCaffrey said of the Colombian Army's U.S.-backed push
into regions of the south that are prime growing areas for coca, the raw
material for cocaine.

The anti-drug offensive, in the jungle-covered provinces of Caqueta and
Putumayo, is tentatively scheduled to get under way next month.

"They've got thousands of people with automatic weapons down there and it's
going to be tough going," McCaffrey said.

Problems in peace talks

President Andres Pastrana has made slow-moving peace talks with the
17,000-strong FARC, Latin America's largest and oldest guerrilla group, the
centerpiece of his administration since he took office in August 1998.

But McCaffrey, in what were thought to be his most critical comments on the
subject yet, said there was little incentive for the FARC to lay down its
arms as long as it was reaping what he estimated at between $500 million
and $1 billion a year in profits from production and trafficking in cocaine.

"The peace process won't move ahead if there's a giant reward -- drugs and
the money it brings," said McCaffrey.

Pastrana has declared a Switzerland-sized area of Colombia's southern
jungle and savanna off-limits to state security forces since November 1998,
to create a safe haven where FARC rebel commanders would feel at ease as
they engaged in talks to end a conflict that has claimed 35,000 lives since

But McCaffrey called the creation of the 16,000-square-mile (42,000 sq km)
demilitarized zone, known as the "despeje," a naive mistake on the part of
the government.

"I think what's happened has been predictable. It turned into an armed
bastion of the FARC," said McCaffrey, alleging that the rebel army has used
the area as a staging ground for drugs and arms smuggling deals and
hit-and-run attacks across the country.

"It absolutely blows my mind," said McCaffrey, adding that U.S. spy
satellites showed the FARC was also using the demilitarized zone to bolster
Colombia's output of cocaine.

That output has mushroomed 140 percent in the last four years and totaled a
record 520 metric tons in 1999. But McCaffrey said Colombia's cocaine
production figures for 2000, due to be released by the CIA in February,
would be even more explosive thanks to what he described as the FARC's role
as "the dominant integrating factor" in the underground trade.

"I think you're going to see a giant increase in production," he said.

"We have vital national security interests at stake in Colombia," McCaffrey
added, when asked about future U.S. support for the country. "We've got no
option, we've got to operate against drug production in Colombia."
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