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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LVR Election Event Cancelled
Title:CN BC: LVR Election Event Cancelled
Published On:2000-11-22
Source:Nelson Daily News (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:33:46

Marijuana Party Actions 'Despicable' Says Jim Gouk

In an effort to avoid further controversy, today's all-candidates forum at
L.V. Rogers High School has abeen cancelled by school administration.

On Monday, Marijuana Party candidate Dan Loehndorf was told by LVR
officials that he would not be allowed to participate in the forum which
was set up for the mostly pre-voting age students. Threats of protest
outside the school by Marijuana Party supporters then led to a complete
cancellation of the event.

"It's unfortunate for the kids, but we're just not going to take any risks
at this point," said LVR principal Brian De Biasio. "Some of the
information that is coming our way, we don't feel that we are going to be
totally in control of what may be happening at our school if we continued.
We're not going to put the kids in that situation."

News of the cancellation drew mixed reactions from the candidates.

"This thing at the high school has really pissed me off," said Canadian
Alliance incumbent Jim Gouk. "The kids have had this every election and
it's a really great learning experience for them.

"It's coercion and I think it's despicable. Which ever candidate told the
school that they would not only pull out, but there would be protests and
rallies around the school to disrupt the school...that's when they
[Marijuana Party] stepped over the line."

As was the case when he was first told he would not be allowed to
participate, Loehndorf was concerned that the school is violating his
democratic rights.

"If you are a candidate in a federal election then you should have the
right to speak on your platform." Loehndorf said. "It [canceling the
forum] sends a message about democracy to the students that it can be
censored and that it's flawed."

When he contacted the Daily News Tuesday morning Loehndorf said he was
still planning to go to the high school this morning to pass out campaign
literature to students.

Loehndorf later called back to say he'd changed his mind.

"After carefully considering the issue, I believe that it is important that
this message gets to students, but I do believe there are other ways to get
the message out," he said. "I don't think being there [today] would be in
the best interest of getting the message out to parents and students in the
most effective way."

Whether LVR has trampled on Loehndorf's rights is a bit unclear, but
University of Victoria political scientist Dr. Norman Ruff said the school
has given the controversial candidate what he wants.

"My sense is that this is probably the best thing that could have happened
to the [Marijuana Party] because they are getting more publicity," said
Ruff. "In a way it's self-defeating because by banning them and canceling
the meeting you are giving them far more attention than they would have got
if they attended the meeting."

Ruff figures there was little harm in letting Loehndorf attend.

"It sounds like there is a fear that somehow they will be corrupting youth,
but youth are already discussing these things amongst themselves," said
Ruff. "These are the kinds of issues that get youth interested in the
political process."

The last several days of the campaign, Gouk said, have been frustrating
because of the LVR situation and the threatened boycott of Monday's
all-candidates meeting in Nelson which took place after some candidates
expressed concern over the format of the evening. The Alliance MP said he
is getting tired of some candidates making a "mockery" of the election.

"If he [Loehndorf] follows the rules and procedures then he is as entitled
to run as anyone," said Gouk. "But, the fact that you are running doesn't
give you an open door to go in anywhere and say whatever you want to any
group of people."
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