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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Heroin Found In Bust At MIA
Title:US FL: Heroin Found In Bust At MIA
Published On:2000-11-25
Source:Miami Herald (FL)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:32:42

Son Of Anti-Drug Official Is Arrested

The son of a leading Colombian anti-drug official was arrested at Miami
International Airport on Wednesday after U.S. Customs agents found more
than seven pounds of heroin strapped to his legs with masking tape.

Andres Lafaurie Restrepo, 19, and companion Juan Pablo Mejia, 18, arrived
at MIA about at 1:35 p.m. on Avianca Flight 004 from Cartagena, said
Customs spokesman Zach Mann.

"Inspectors noticed they were wearing extremely baggy pants and observed a
noticeable bulge in the area of each man's calves," Mann said.

Each "courier" had 240 heroin pellets -- 7.7 pounds on Lafaurie and 7.5
pounds on Mejia, Mann said. Total street value: $420,000. Charged with
conspiracy to import and distribute heroin, each man faces a mandatory
minimum sentence of 10 years, Mann said.

Andres Lafaurie is the only son of Maria Ines Restrepo, director of
Colombia's National Plan of Alternative Development, which encourages coca
growers to plant legal crops.

Lafaurie's mother called a press conference in Bogota on Thursday -- after
calling President Andres Pastrana to apprise him of the situation.

"I must tell my country, Colombia, the children and young people that I
just returned from Putumayo, where I was working with the peasants on the
project to manually eradicate illegal crops, and was told that my son
traveled from Barranquilla to Miami as a `mule,' as a lowly `mule,' "
Restrepo said.

Restrepo said she regretted that, while she has been recognized by the
international community for her work, "for this sacrifice I'm making for
our country, for helping the families of peasants, of farmers and Indians
to change their lives," she must concede that her son fell into a trap laid
by drug traffickers.

"This is horrible for me, as a mother," she said. "We Colombians have to
wipe out this scourge."

At an initial appearance Friday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrea
Simonton, both men said they had no money to defend themselves and asked
for a public defender. Mejia, represented by Migna Sanchez, used a headset
to listen to a Spanish translation of the judge's statements. Lafaurie will
get another hearing Tuesday after he is appointed another attorney, because
Sanchez cannot represent both.

Lafaurie told the judge his brother, Juan Pablo Lafaurie, was in Miami on
vacation. It is unclear whether he is a half-brother, because Restrepo said
Andres Lafaurie is her only son.

Restrepo said she was planning to travel to Miami to help her son with his
defense. He and Mejia will be arraigned Dec. 8.

Restrepo said she will face the problem through her pain, and that
"although I used to work with much pride and devotion" to substitute
illegal crops, she vowed to do so with greater enthusiasm.

"I wish to tell those who pushed my son into committing this sin that I
hope they'll pay for it. He is a young man -- only 19. Meanwhile, I'll
continue to take responsibility. I've been a hard-working woman since the
age of 17, and all I have I've gained through sacrifice. I'm not going to
give up.

"I adore my son. I love him very much," she said. "He's going to get my
full support, but he made a mistake and he has to answer for it."

"Andres is my only son," she said. "The truth is that he's a respectful,
educated, right-thinking boy, and I honestly can't understand what happened."
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