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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: PUB LTE: What A Dope!
Title:CN MB: PUB LTE: What A Dope!
Published On:2000-11-21
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:28:22
What A DOPE!

"If the state were to control our drugs and our diet then our bodies
would be in such keeping as our souls are now." -- Thomas Jefferson,
1776 address to the Virginia State Legislature.

The cruelty of Mike Harris' compassion became self-evident when he
announced drug tests to ferret out welfare scapegoats in the never
ending holy war on satanic chemicals.

In the past, mankind has been witness to the eerily similar idea of
the "witch marks" test.

We have the natural right to self-medicate with whatever substance we
damn well please.

It is a right mankind has owned since time began, no matter what the
nanny state says.

Drug-taking is a vice, not a crime or a medical disease or disorder.
Perhaps it's time to separate medicine and state.

Chris Buors,

(Separating medicine and state is fine, but some drugs are still illegal.)
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