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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: Report - Club Drugs, Pot On Rise
Title:US CO: Report - Club Drugs, Pot On Rise
Published On:2000-11-26
Source:Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:27:42

Heroin And Cocaine Overdoses Caused A Record Number Of Deaths In Colorado

Overdoses from heroin and cocaine led to a record number of deaths and
emergency room trips during the past two years.

But just as alarming, the latest report on Colorado drug abuse found that
the state's youth are increasingly turning to marijuana and experimenting
with dangerous "club drugs" such as ketamine and ecstasy.

"You just can never let your guard down," said Bruce Mendelson, director of
the state's alcohol and drug abuse division. "We need to make sure that we
keep the prevention message out there."

Overdose deaths from cocaine hit 109 and fatal heroin overdoses reached
135, the report found.

In 1999, emergency room admissions for users of both drugs reached their
highest level since the state began keeping track of the data in 1993. Last
year, 87 out of every 100,000 people were rushed to hospitals for cocaine
problems, while the rate for heroin was 41 per 100,000 state population,
the report said.

Figures on overdose deaths in 1999 were not available.

Increased purity of the two drugs may account for the rise in deaths and
emergency room trips, Mendelson said.

The rise has frightened drug users into treatment, said Eugene Straubner,
vice president of the Lakewood-based Cenikor drug treatment program.

"People tell us they are coming in here because they have seen people die,"
Straubner said. "They're getting scared because the stuff is too pure."

Cocaine use historically has been a major problem in Colorado, but heroin
use is on the rise, especially among young adults, Mendelson said. They are
inhaling or smoking heroin rather than injecting it, he said.

"In some cases, the young heroin smokers and inhalers who have an aversion
to needles think they can smoke it, get the effect and not get into
trouble," Mendelson said. "Well, they are dead wrong."

But the drug that troubles state officials the most is marijuana and its
extensive use by teens.

The report found that the percentage of drug users in treatment for
marijuana has risen from 32 percent in 1994 to 43.4 percent during the
first half of 2000. Treatment for cocaine abuse was a distant second at
21.3 percent.

Teens under age 18 constitute the largest age group in treatment for
marijuana, comprising 35 percent. Like heroin and cocaine, the potency of
marijuana sold in the state has increased, the report found.

One potent variety, dubbed "BC bud," is coming from Canada and selling for
$500 an ounce.

A federal Department of Health and Human Services study released earlier
this year found marijuana usage in Colorado topped the nation, with 8
percent of the state's population using the drug within 30 days of being

Police agencies have found its usage increasing among high school students.

"I know that's our number one drug of choice," said Sgt. Atila Denes,
spokesman for the Douglas County Sheriff.

Denes said deputies have been averaging one marijuana drug bust a week at
one high school.

Another scary trend is the rising popularity of synthetic club drugs,
usually associated with all-night dance clubs called raves, the report said.

One of the drugs, known as ecstasy, produces both stimulant and psychedelic
effects. It can lead to heart and kidney failures.

But ketamine, another club drug, worries law enforcement officials the most.

"That's a big time focus for us because we're starting to see a lot of
raves in Arapahoe County," Arapahoe County Undersheriff Grayson Robinson said.

Ketamine is mostly used by veterinarians as an anesthetic. But in high
doses it causes a dreamlike state and hallucinations. It can lead to
respiratory failure.

"It's a damn dangerous drug," Mendelson said.

Metro area police agencies, including the Arapahoe County Sheriff's office,
have reported a rash of break-ins at veterinary offices where ketamine was
the only item taken.

Outdoor rave parties held in rural areas can draw thousands ranging in age
from 14 to 30, Robinson said.

About a month and a half ago, deputies found about 10,000 people at a rave
at a small airport near Interstate 70, Robinson said.

The only good news the report found was an apparent lull in the steady rise
of methamphetamine use during the 1990s.

Both emergency room trips and admissions to drug treatment facilities were
down last year, the report found.

Mendelson said he believes the crackdown by police on meth labs had an
effect last year. The report said that 57 meth labs were seized in the
Rocky Mountain West last spring.

But both Robinson and Douglas County's Denes said the lull was short lived.

"We are still very, very active in methamphetamine cases," Denes said.

Straubner said Cenikor has seen an influx of clients in the past year or
so. He fears that means both the supply and demand of all types of drugs
are up.

"There seems to be an overall increase in the amount of illegal drugs out
there," he said "and there obviously is a fairly large demand."
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