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News (Media Awareness Project) - Indonesia: Heroin The Trend Among Indonesian Addicts
Title:Indonesia: Heroin The Trend Among Indonesian Addicts
Published On:2000-11-27
Source:Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:24:16

JAKARTA (JP): Heroin appears to have been the drug of choice for
Indonesianyouths over the past three years, an expert said on Saturday.

"Although there is not yet any official data on drug use in Indonesia, most
of the patients treated at our drug rehabilitation center have a heroin
problem," said Sudirman M.A., the director of the Drug Rehabilitation
Center at Fatmawati Hospital.

"There were 1,799 cases of heroin users in 1996. In 1999, the figure
increased to 8,823," he said during a break in a seminar on diagnosing and
treating opiate dependency.

From 1995 to 1996, ecstasy was the most common drug for addicts, he said.
Heroin is categorized as an opiate, similar to morphine.

Heroin, which is known here as putauw, is a semisynthetic compound that is
three to five times stronger than morphine.

A person who uses heroin can become an addict in a very short period of
time. According to some health officials, after using heroin for three to
four days a person will be in a condition of dependency.

Official data from the Ministry of National Education shows at least 1,875
students from 318 junior high schools and high schools in the capitalare
known to have used drugs this year.

There are now numerous rehabilitation centers in Indonesia, most located in
the capital. But the number of addicts in the centers remains relativelysmall.

Only 575 of the 1,875 students in the capital known to have taken drugs
have gone to a rehabilitation center, according to the data.

The ministry hypothesized that this was a result of the high cost of treatment.

Sudirman said the average cost for a stay in a rehabilitation center was Rp
3 million (US$320).

Each rehabilitation center has its own program to help addicts, he said.

"Some of them offer medical treatment, while others prefer to use a
religious approach. The addicts can choose the most suitable method for
them," he said.

However, he suggested that those considering rehabilitation consider three
things: the professionalism of the staff, the equipment available
fortreatment and the type of the program itself.

Before joining a rehabilitation program, addicts should first go through
detoxification to free themselves of their dependence.

The most common method of detoxification in Indonesia includes the
naltrexon, which is designed to block the opiate receptor in the brain.

"The naltrexon should be used regularly for a long period, probably for
about two years," Nurmiati Amir of the Department of Psychiatry Department
at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital said during the seminar.

After being detoxed, addicts can then being their rehabilitation
program,she said.
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