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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: OPED: Drugs and Springvale
Title:Australia: OPED: Drugs and Springvale
Published On:2000-11-28
Source:Dandenong Examiner (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 01:13:57

Drugs Are Not Just A Health Problem: They Are A Community Problem.

So far our governments have not addressed the issue, apart from applying

I am grateful that your newspaper is highlighting the drug problems of
Springvale and hopefully our politicians are reading and listening and will
take some action.

But a point that needs to be made is that Springvale is not unique in the
drug issue. Drugs are everywhere and were in Australia before the recent
Asian migration.

When I was young and growing up in Vietnam during the war, the Americans
brought heroin and other drugs into the country. Asians are known for their
opium use (which was introduced to China by the British in the 19th
century), not heroin.

We all want the same thing: a clean and healthy community, but how are we
to achieve this before losing our lives?

Springvale is a family environment and a working class suburb with so many
multicultural benefits that can be offered to others.

Our local councillors, politicians and government need to prioritise
funding by building more rehabilitation centres, more jails, more police,
harsher sentences for drug trafficking so that people arrested by the
police don't merely go through a revolving door.

Promote awareness through anti-drug campaigns before endorsing injecting
facilities, which only entrench the drug problems deeper and send the wrong
message to our young people and our communities.

We want leadership and funding from our governments in positive projects
that address the drug crisis.

We are proud Australians; our governments endorse products that are
Australlan-made and promote campaigns to keep Australia clean.

Why are we modelling ourselves on countries that are full of drug problems?
Why not instead find our own solution?

Media promotions such as QUIT, Keep Australia Beautiful and anti-drink
driving are all constructive and effective in getting the message across to
all people.

Drug problems should be treated in the same way. Discourage it, not
encourage it.

Yes, Springvale traders are frustrated: our community is frustrated by
politicians who are misinformed by surveys and endorsing negative injecting

We are frustrated by the lack of leadership from our governments and
politicians because they are too concerned about their political careers
and toeing the party line.

The drug epidemic will not go away until we are all focused on where the
problems come from and then dealing with it.

Injecting rooms are just a revolving door for a low esteem society.

Le Hoa Wysham, President, Springvale Traders' Association
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