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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: US Senator Makes Perilous Trip To Colombia
Title:Colombia: US Senator Makes Perilous Trip To Colombia
Published On:2000-12-02
Source:State, The (SC)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 00:32:55

BARRANCABERMEJA, Colombia -- Hard-eyed men with Uzis stood guard as Sen.
Paul Wellstone stepped out of a helicopter and into a bulletproof car and
drove to a meeting with human rights activists. Hours earlier, police
discovered a bomb along the airport road.

U.S. and Colombian authorities Friday downplayed the possibility that
Wellstone and U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson, who accompanied the Minnesota
Democrat, were the intended targets of the bomb. Their visit marked the
first time a U.S. lawmaker or ambassador had come to the deadliest town in
the Americas, a sweltering cluster of cinderblock homes on the banks of the
muddy Magdalena River.

There was heavy security for the U.S. officials during their three-hour
visit Thursday. But Barrancabermeja's 195,000 residents have no such
protection: this year alone, 470 of them have been slain in politically
motivated attacks, human rights workers say. Massacres are commonplace, and
the killers are rarely caught.

Wellstone said he made the perilous journey to show support for the human
rights activists, who face immense risk.

For Wellstone, a former civil rights activist and college professor, his
two-day visit to Colombia also was aimed at making a stand against Plan
Colombia, a drug-eradication effort being funded by $1.3 billion from
Washington. Under the plan, dozens of U.S.-donated combat helicopters will
ferry U.S.-trained Colombian troops into cocaine-producing plantations to
seize them from insurgents.

But while the military is being strengthened, Wellstone says there is no
firm plan to provide coca farmers with alternative livelihoods. He fears
they will then be driven into the ranks of leftist guerrillas or the rival
right-wing paramilitary group, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia,
or AUC.

Moreover, Wellstone is concerned that President Clinton authorized delivery
of the aid even though the Colombian government has not met all the human
rights conditions set by Congress.

"If we continue to waive the (human rights) provisions of the aid package,
then the message we are sending to the paramilitaries and the military is
that human rights is not important to us," Wellstone said.

Wellstone said he asked President Andres Pastrana on Wednesday for the
government to bring paramilitary leaders to trial and protect human rights
workers. Human rights workers who met with Wellstone with said the AUC was
responsible for most of the killings in Barrancabermeja, 155 miles north of
the capital, Bogota.

There were questions, meanwhile, about who was the intended target of the
bomb found on the road from Barrancabermeja's airport to the town.

The White House said it did not view Wellstone and Patterson as targets and
State Department officials said it wasn't unusual for such devices to be
found in Barrancabermeja.

Earlier Thursday, Wellstone and Patterson flew aboard a Black Hawk combat
helicopter to observe a raid by heavily armed Colombian national police on a
plantation near the village of Taraza, 220 miles northwest of Bogota.
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