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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: The Poor Can't Afford To Abuse Drugs
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: The Poor Can't Afford To Abuse Drugs
Published On:2000-12-04
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 00:18:35

It seems the Harris government never tires of parading "common-sense" ideas
before the public as though "common sense" somehow makes up for a lack of
education, skill, understanding and intelligence.

Let's look at the plan to initiate mandatory drug-testing for welfare

Drug addiction is expensive. If the average "poor" addict spends $100 a day
on the addiction, he or she requires a minimum of $36,500 a year. Add
another $10,000 for food and shelter and we have a group of individuals
who, by one method or another, are generating incomes of $46,500 each year.

Welfare provides how much of that ... $6,000? Obviously, drug users are not
relying on welfare payments. Theft, prostitution and drug dealing are the
usual income sources.

Does it really seem reasonable that substance abusers will suddenly flood
treatment facilities because Mike Harris forces them to come up with a few
bucks more? Do you think they will submit to drug tests and thereby risk
identification to the police? They will, of course, drop off the welfare
rolls voluntarily. The drug abuse will not stop. However, their other means
of generating income will certainly increase.

I'm thinking about putting bars on my windows.

Ian Shaw,
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