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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Vancouver Mulls Safe Drug Sites
Title:CN BC: Vancouver Mulls Safe Drug Sites
Published On:2000-12-28
Source:Christian Science Monitor (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 07:54:32

By February, the city may try European method of reducing overdoses of
heroin and cocaine.

Clean needles. Clean spoons. And a roof over their

Vancouver, the city with the highest number of drug overdose
fatalities in Canada, may soon have a safe place for local addicts to
use their drug of choice.

That would make it the first city in North America to open a walk-in
"safe injection site." It's a controversial plan that is nonetheless
being closely watched by city and health officials in the US Pacific
Northwest, where heroin abuse has soared to the highest levels in the

Similar safe sites are already in use in several European

To activists like Dean Wilson, chairman of the Harm Reduction Action
Society (HRAS), the high numbers of overdose deaths - an average of
147 a year since 1993 in Vancouver - and increased rates of
needle-borne infection with HIV and hepatitis warrant this radical
step. He says his organization will open an injection site by
Valentine's Day, with or without city hall's blessing.

Injection sites, says Mr. Wilson, "can keep addicts alive long enough
to let them make the right decisions" about getting off drugs.

Mayor Philip Owen, however, calls the HRAS plan "a big mistake." He's
not opposed in principle to safe injection sites. "Eventually, we'll
have them," he says at one point during an interview in his office in
Vancouver's Art Deco city hall. But injection sites need informed
public support behind them, he insists. And they must be part of a
comprehensive approach that includes four pillars: prevention,
treatment, enforcement, and harm reduction.

Harm reduction is clearly the most hot-button of the proposals being

Supporters call it a pragmatic approach to minimizing the consequences
of drug use without requiring abstinence. Some public-health experts
hail harm reduction as the equivalent in the drug field to the "safe
sex" approach to combating AIDS. Similarly, harm reduction assumes
that some level of addiction within the population is inevitable.

Critics see safe injection sites as "enabling" illegal drug use,
attracting addicts from elsewhere, and requiring police and city
officials to look the other way.

"The way to decrease the number of deaths from overdoses is to
decrease the number of overdoses," says Bryce Rositch, a Vancouver
architect and the head of Community Alliance, a neighborhood activist
group. He accuses harm reduction advocates of putting the safety of
addicts ahead of the safety of the larger community.

But at Main and Hastings, in Vancouver's downtown East Side, the
larger community seems to have disappeared. In broad daylight in the
middle of what might elsewhere be called the workday, young drug
dealers in high-tops, baggy jeans, and down jackets, stand on corners
and in doorways, hawking their wares only slightly more discreetly
than sellers in a farmers' market.

A young man going into convulsions on the sidewalk is attended to by
police officers and paramedics. But the dealers and users on the
street are subject to surveillance, not arrest, from the police
vehicles parked at the curb.

The drug crisis in Vancouver illustrates the challenge of developing a
consensus among polarized elements of the community. It also leaves
people feeling forced to choose among solutions that may in turn cause
greater problems.

A few years ago, for instance, a spate of drug-related stabbings led
to a police crackdown on dealing in bars. The traffic was forced onto
the street - where it is easier for the police to monitor, but where
it is also more visible to the public.

Even advocates of safe injection sites are divided on whether they
might do more harm than good. At a minimum, some say, an injection
site gets addicts off the street and ensures the presence of a social
or healthcare worker to call an ambulance if a user overdoses.

But others say that injection sites shouldn't be introduced except as
a first step in a continuum leading to detoxification and some form of
long-term treatment for addiction.

"You need it all," says Mayor Owen. But there is widespread agreement
that there simply aren't treatment facilities available for addicts
wanting them.

Ray Baker, who chairs the addiction medicine committee of the British
Columbia Medical Association, says that in the 15 years he has been
practicing "I've seen degradation and decay of treatment resources....
Prevention has been neglected."

A big problem here, as Donald MacPherson, drug-policy coordinator for
Vancouver, explains, is that addicts have to be off drugs, at least
for a short time, to be accepted for most treatment programs. He
likens the range of treatment options to a "ladder with the bottom
four rungs missing."

This approach reaches only 20 percent of addicts, he says. Hence the
interest in lower-rung approaches, such as safe injection sites. "The
aim is to engage them in care," says Dr. Baker. "If we can engage them
in care, we can improve their health."

The drug crisis here may be the result of a combination of factors unique
to Vancouver: a port city with generally permissive attitudes and a climate
that makes open-air dealing possible year-round. And inexpensive drugs.

But the situation here is being watched across Canada. Owen says he
wants safe injection sites to develop within the context of a national
drug policy. He would like to have "10 or 15 cities" across Canada
open sites simultaneously. Otherwise, he suggests, Vancouver would
just attract more addicts. In January, a series of public forums on
the mayor's four-pillar approach will begin. Wilson, who describes
himself as a heroin addict now stabilized on methadone, says HRAS is
willing to give the mayor some time. "But if the discussion breaks
down, we'll go ahead."
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