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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Needle Nasties Stir Health War
Title:Australia: Needle Nasties Stir Health War
Published On:2001-01-04
Source:Mercury, The (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 07:05:26

HOBART publicans George and Jenniter Elliott have declared war on the
Hobart needle exchange service and the Department of Health and Human

The pair say they have cleaned up needles, syringes and associated
drug-taking paraphernalia from the Market Place car park behind their
waterfront hotel for the last time.

They warn their next collection of "nasties" will be dumped on Health
Minister Judy Jackson's desk.

They say the car park is a mecca for drug addicts who dump their
equipment when and where it is used.

The Elliotts' three-year-old granddaughter Brittany sucked the
contents of a syringe early last month while playing in the car park
and has had tests for HIV-AIDS and hepatitis. The family faces an
agonising wait until June for results.

"We have had enough of this," Mr Elliott said last night.

"It's got well beyond a joke. It's littered with needles and syringes
every day."

"We made a fuss with Brittany but nothing has changed. It is still
left to us to clean the place up. No one wants to know about it."

He said he understood the car park was privately owned used by Royal
Hobart Hospital staff.

His hotel patrons were not permitted to use it but because children
sometimes played there he felt a duty to try to ensure it was safe.

Mr Elliott said clients of the needle exchange should have to return
their used needles before getting clean ones.

"They are supposed to dispose of their dirty ones properly or take
them back, but obviously they don't," he said.

"I'll take them back and dump them on the managers desk or the minister's.

"Maybe we'll have to do something drastic like that to get the place
cleaned up."

Mr Elliott said be was required by law to ensure any needles found in
his hotel were disposed of properly and immediately.

"I am responsible for my property so whoever is in charge of this
place should do likewise," he said.

The Mercury was unable to contact representatives of the needle
exchange or the Link Youth Health Service.
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