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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Editorial: DARE Program Will Continue
Title:CN BC: Editorial: DARE Program Will Continue
Published On:2001-01-10
Source:Comox Valley Record (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 06:42:37

In the wake of Vancouver Island Drug Awareness Co-ordinator Const.
Barry Schneider's shocking death from a heroin overdose, emotions are
running high. Most simply can't understand what has happened.

And indeed a police investigation into the incident is being
conducted by senior RCMP officers. Until the results of that
investigation are known, it would be unfair to allow letter writers
to use the tragedy as a forum to attack the police or drug awareness
programs as some have already begun to do. It is appropriate, however,
to allow those who've been deeply saddened by Schneider's death, a

The following is just one of the numerous letters The Record has
received since last Thursday.

......... Perhaps Barry Schneider has unknowingly given this
community one final gift - a real life example to prove that what he
spoke of was true. He couldn't have given us a more direct and
shocking hit of reality to demonstrate the deadly impact of drugs.

He couldn't show us more clearly that drugs can seduce and kill
anyone, including a hardworking, educated, popular and strong role
model and family man. I doubt if any of us can ever again ignore,
deny, or detach from how pervasive and non-discriminatory drugs have

Yes, if we choose to, we can see this as a gift. Many will use his
drug-related death to discredit his work, sincerity, and involvement
with youth.

This is expected, as we all have different views. For me, though,
rather than the cause of his death diminishing what he had
accomplished, I feel that it adds even greater meaning and urgency to
the drug problem and what it is doing to us all. To those who say he
was a hypocrite, a liar, a phoney, I say to you, he was human.

Not perfect, saintly, invulnerable, without weakness or

Just human.

If you argue that this just shows that you can't believe anyone or
trust anything you hear, you have a right to these feelings.

But I dare you to have the courage to learn from this, and take
ownership of Barry's message, not his mistake.

Barry's wife and daughters have a hard enough time ahead just dealing
with their grief and loss. With this additional shock and its
potential for sensationalism, I can only imagine what a nightmare
this will generate in their lives and at school.

They need our protection, support, and compassion. I hope somehow
they know that there are many, many people feeling tremendous sympathy
and concern for them at this moment.
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