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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: They Sue To Toke
Title:Canada: They Sue To Toke
Published On:2001-01-11
Source:NOW Magazine (Canada)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 06:28:40

Potheads Take Feds To Court Over Dope Law

To no one's surprise, civil litigation is the latest tactical weapon to
surface in the drug wars. What is surprising are the litigants. A crack
addict in BC is suing his alleged dealers for selling to him, claiming they
should have known better. In a claim filed in BC Supreme Court, Jay Martin
of Nelson, BC, asserts that the defendants --- a pair of low-rent local
dealers who were arrested and charged with cocaine trafficking --- should
have shown more care for their clientele.

Martin claims they knew he was addicted to crack "and could not exercise
free will in regard to his cocaine consumption choices."

While lawyers and bookies alike give Martin's case the proverbial snowball's
chance, most agree it's an intriguing thought.

Kieran Bridge, a spokesperson on civil litigation for the BC branch of the
Canadian Bar Association, says Martin might as well give it his best shot.

"If people are suing cigarette manufacturers, why not drug pushers?" he

He doesn't consider Martin's suit frivolous by any means. "Each case," he
cautions, "must be judged on its own merits."

While there's little danger of reaching U.S. litigation levels, he feels
this is just the beginning, and Canadians will turn more and more to the
courts in the future.

"Times have changed," he says, "and people are more tuned in to looking at
things that may be harmful to them."

Perhaps the most audacious litigation-in-waiting is an idea currently making
the rounds and raising eyebrows among Marijuana party supporters.

It remains to be seen if it has a legal leg to stand on, but it's every
pothead's pipe dream and quite possibly Paul Martin's worst nightmare.

"It's been gelling in my mind for the past 30 years," says long-time
activist Michael Patriguen, Marijuana party point man in Nova Scotia.

"I've been thinking that there's a need to open up the war (against
marijuana prohibition) on another front --- with a class-action suit against
the federal government based on negligence and discrimination."

Recent court decisions only encourage him. Ontario's highest court has
already declared the marijuana law unconstitutional because it fails to
recognize that pot can be used as medicine. The Ontario Court of Appeal has
given Parliament until July to amend the law.

"Once I saw the judges agreeing with us," says Patriguen, "I thought, hey,
this might actually work."

The suit, he explains, would seek financial compensation for the three
categories of people most adversely affected by prohibition: anyone in the
hemp industry, or their heirs, who can show financial losses due to
prohibition dating back to the 1920s; all those, or their heirs, who
needlessly suffered when marijuana-laced medicine, which was widely
prescribed in the 1920s, was suddenly taken away; and anyone who has ever
been prosecuted for cannabis possession.

About 600,000 Canadians fall into the latter category alone.

Ontario, he suggests, would be the best venue for such a venture.

"The Ontario Court of Appeal has already decided that the marijuana
prohibition laws are based on myths and fallacy," he says. "That puts us
halfway there."

Interim party leader Marc Boris St-Maurice isn't quite as convinced but
readily acknowledges that the idea has a certain ballsy charm.

"I'm no lawyer," he says, "but I think this idea is sounder than it seems on
the surface. It would certainly turn the heat up on the political front
considerably. Can we hold government accountable for not acting on the
mountains of recommendations that have piled up over the past 25 years? Why

One dissenting voice is BC lawyer and veteran drug crusader John Conroy. A
founding member of NORML-Canada in the late 60s, Conroy has spent the past
seven years steering a couple of major constitutional challenges to the
marijuana laws through the lower courts. Both cases, R. v. Caine and R. v.
Malmo-Levine, are scheduled to arrive before the Supreme Court later this
year. If successful, either could wipe out Canada's marijuana laws for good.

"There may be something in it (the civil suit) for the medical marijuana
community," he says, "but I think such a case would be premature at this
point. I think the anti-prohibition cause would be better served if they
were to put their time, energy and fundraising abilities into some of these
critical cases that are approaching the Supreme Court."

Conroy has handled both the Caine and Malmo-Levine cases without a fee.

Drug cases are everyday occurrences in courtrooms, but should the trend to
consumer litigation take off, this much is certain: drug cases before the
courts on both sides of the border will definitely get stranger.
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