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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: PUB LTE: Compassion Overdue
Title:CN BC: PUB LTE: Compassion Overdue
Published On:2001-01-11
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 06:21:08

A recent article ("Policeman resist drug testing,"Jan.7) included the
following quote from Sgt. Chuck Doucette:

"I realize how strong addictions are and the only way to recover is through
proper medical help with people trained in addictions."

I couldn't agree more. But I find it sad that it took a police officer dying
of an overdose to finally produce words of compassion towards drug users.

The standard response towards troubled souls who turn to drugs is " Lock' em
up." The War on Drugs rages on, consuming millions of tax payers dollars.
Meanwhile treatment centres are starved of funds.

Laws prohibiting personal drug use need to be discarded and replaced with
expanded treatment programs. Safe injection sites need to be established in
our communities to help our most vulnerable citizens make the transition to
a healthier life. Those in jail for drug use need to be freed.

like many "crimes" in our society, the deviant act is merely the culmination
of immense hardship and incomprehensible life circumstances. We need to help
people rather than label them as deviant and segregate them form the rest of

let us change our communities so people with addictions can seek help rather
than hide them until they eventually self-destruct.

Ben Isett, Victoria
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