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News (Media Awareness Project) - Haiti: Hait Opens Up To US Drug War
Title:Haiti: Hait Opens Up To US Drug War
Published On:2001-01-13
Source:Miami Herald (FL)
Fetched On:2008-09-02 06:17:38


In a decision quickly welcomed by U.S. officials, Haiti has agreed to allow
U.S. ships and planes to enter its unguarded coastline and airspace to
intercept Colombian vessels preparing to unload cocaine destined for South

The move is supported by president-elect Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who
pledged to put into effect an agreement that was signed by the United
States and Haiti three years ago but not ratified by Haiti's parliament
until last month.

Aristide plans to take the battle against traffickers another step as well,
officials said, by pushing legislators of his Lavalas Family party to
approve two other proposals that would make it more difficult for
traffickers to use Haiti as a springboard for drugs moving into this country.

Officials at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy say the
bills before Haiti's parliament are a good sign, but caution that the
ultimate proof will be whether Haiti carries out its declared intentions.

``We're encouraged they're moving forward with the ratification process,''
said Jennifer de Vallance, a spokeswoman for the agency. ``The legislation
is an excellent step. We expect them to follow up.''

Haiti's popularity with Colombian cocaine traffickers is the result of
several factors: geography, the absence of effective law enforcement, and
the eagerness of officials seeking bribes.

The cocaine enters Haiti along some 800 miles of unguarded coastline,
mostly on the Caribbean Sea and directly facing Colombia.

The White House Office on National Drug Control Policy estimates that more
than 65 metric tons of cocaine a year is dropped in Haiti from boats or
airplanes before it is shipped to Florida through couriers or on freighters
that dock on the Miami River.

Because no agreement has been in effect, U.S. Coast Guard ships and
airplanes tracking cocaine vessels customarily abandon the chase as soon as
they enter Haitian waters.

In a letter to President Clinton earlier this month, Aristide agreed to
``enhance substantially cooperation.''

Among other things, U.S. officers will be allowed to search ships and
people on board, as well as inspect documents.

``We're giving ourselves the instruments we need to fight the networks of
drug dealers we have corrupting this country,'' said Justice Minister
Camille Leblanc.

One piece of legislation before the parliament concerns money laundering, a
booming business in Haiti, where there is little banking oversight.

In the past few years, several new banks have opened and agencies
transferring money to Colombia have proliferated.

During the past decade, while Haiti's economy has been on life support,
construction of luxury homes on the hillsides has mushroomed.

Much of the money comes from the United States, where the drug is sold.

Last week, U.S. Customs officials found $2 million on a ship that was about
to leave the Miami River for Haiti.

It was loaded with used bicycles, bedding and furniture -- and a stash of
money hidden inside three plastic boxes.

Customs agents say some Haitian boats come up the Miami River with no legal
cargo whatsoever, and leave with merchandise of little value.

The booty, they say, is the cocaine they bring in and the cash they leave with.

Once the proposed legislation is enacted, according to Leblanc, banks will
be required to ask depositors of more than $3,000 to file a form that would
slow down considerably the transfer of cash from Haiti, either to Colombia
or offshore institutions.

Banks will be forced to open their books once they suspect one of their
clients in involved in the drug trade, Leblanc said.

Leblanc said Haiti also plans to set harsher penalties, making it easier to
extradite traffickers wanted by U.S. authorities for trial.

The bill also sets a minimum sentence of 10 years and seizure of all
property once someone is convicted of trafficking.

He said Haiti will set up a national commission to plan the fight against

``These documents are strong enough to show everyone that we're serious and
that the consequences are very high,'' Leblanc said. ``Prison here is not
sweet. We can only afford to feed our prisoners 1,300 calories per day,
while someone needs 2,000 a day. When you get into jail here... you don't
know how you're going to come out.''

About 50 Colombians, along with dozens of Haitians, are being held in Haiti
for drug trafficking.

Several of the Colombians have recently died in jail.

Yvon Neptune, president of Haiti's senate and a spokesman for Lavalas
Party, said his colleagues will likely vote on the bills at the end of the
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