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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: Woman In Drug Bust Blunder Fears For Unborn Baby
Title:CN AB: Woman In Drug Bust Blunder Fears For Unborn Baby
Published On:2001-03-11
Source:Edmonton Journal (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-09-01 23:37:03

A pregnant woman forced to lie face-down on the floor by police who
mistakenly crashed through her apartment door in a drug raid worries for
her unborn child.

The drama started Friday morning when the mother of three went to open her
door to investigate a commotion in the building's hallway. As she reached
for the door, police forced it open, breaking the door frame.

Mai On, who is eight months pregnant with her fourth child, said she was
hit in the abdomen by the door and then was pushed back into the living
room of her two-bedroom apartment.

She said she was forced to the ground and told to lie on her stomach.

``I can't do it,'' On told the officers. ``I can't go on my stomach.''

Her pleas didn't help as she was shoved by officers and ordered to lie down.

On, 29, who isn't fluent in English spoke as her husband Athan Song
translated from her native Mandarin.

Song, 30, said his wife didn't know what was happening or who the intruders
were. It wasn't until she was told to get up that she realized they were

Edmonton police and RCMP had been conducting raids on three other
apartments in the building at 106th Avenue and 111th Street as part of a
massive drug sweep when they burst by mistake into Mai On's apartment.

Song was called by police and returned home to find his two-year-old son
William crying.

``The first thing I did was run into the bedroom and hold him.'' Song said
his one-year-old daughter Christy didn't seem to be aware of what had gone on.

His eldest son Andrew, nine, was at school at the time.

His wife had been taken to the hospital to be examined because of pain in
her stomach and a bruised wrist. She said doctors at the Royal Alexandra
Hospital told her the unborn baby is fine.

But she's worried her child was hurt in the incident. She said her baby is
normally very active, but has been largely motionless since the drama.

``How could they make a mistake like this?'' asked Song. He said police did
not have a search warrant for his apartment.

He plans to seek legal advice and is considering seeking compensation for
any injuries that may have occurred to his unborn child.

On said she now lives in fear in her own home. ``I'm scared it might happen
again. I don't know what to do when my husband isn't home.''

The incident has left her deeply angry at police. ``I hate them.''

Song worked as the non-resident superintendent at the building for a year
before he moved in March 1.

He said Edmonton police have apologized, but his wife was unwilling to
accept it. He said they had not heard from the RCMP yet.

RCMP Staff Sgt. Richard Hobson said police will conduct a thorough review
of the incident. ``I would expect that investigators will be contacting
them and discussing it further with them.

``The police services incorrectly went into her apartment and she was
injured. Our concern was that she obtain medical attention.''

He said arrangements were made within hours of the incident to repair the door.

``We want to be able to resolve this as much as they do.''
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