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News (Media Awareness Project) - Peru: US Role In Peru Plane Downing Adds To Mystery
Title:Peru: US Role In Peru Plane Downing Adds To Mystery
Published On:2001-04-22
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-01 12:02:49

LIMA, Peru--U.S. and Peruvian investigators Saturday were trying to unravel
the perplexing circumstances in which an American missionary and her infant
daughter died when a Peruvian air force anti-drug plane shot down their
Cessna--an incident that also involved a U.S. surveillance aircraft.

As part of an anti-drug program in which U.S. aircraft help interdict
smuggling flights, an unarmed U.S. surveillance plane was providing support
Friday morning when the Peruvian A-37B jet shot down a private seaplane
carrying five people, U.S. Embassy officials here revealed Saturday.

Baptist missionary Veronica Bowers and her 7-month-old daughter, Charity,
died after being hit by gunfire. Their pilot was wounded in the legs and
was in stable condition Saturday after being transferred from a jungle
clinic to a hospital in the northern city of Iquitos.

"A U.S. government tracking aircraft was in the area in support of the
Peruvian intercept mission," an embassy spokesman said. "As part of an
agreement between the U.S. and Peru, U.S. radar provides tracking
information on planes suspected of smuggling illegal drugs in the region to
the Peruvian air force. U.S. government tracking aircraft . . . do not
participate in any way in the shooting down of suspect planes."

The tragic and ironic elements of the case--an American mother and her baby
blown out of the sky during a joint U.S.-Peruvian anti-drug operation--had
U.S. investigators and consular officials scrambling Saturday. And the U.S.
Embassy said further drug interdiction flights have been suspended,
"pending a thorough investigation and review by Peruvian and U.S. officials
of how this tragic incident took place."

But the involvement of the U.S. surveillance plane, which was reportedly
close enough for the Cessna's pilot to see, underscored a fundamental
question: What happened between the moment the anti-drug aircraft spotted
the missionaries' plane and the shoot-down itself.

The Cessna 185 seaplane was spotted about 10 a.m., and the shoot-down
occurred about 11:20 a.m., according to the Peruvian government and
informed sources. Peruvian air force officials insist that the missionary
pilot, Kevin Donaldson, ignored radio warnings and other internationally
established procedures with which the Peruvian pilot tried to contact him.

U.S. officials gave no signs Saturday that they doubted the Peruvian
version. Yet it is hard to understand why Donaldson, a veteran missionary
who grew up in Peru, would not comply with a Peruvian air force pilot.

Donaldson was flying over a jungle area rife with airborne border
smugglers. His seaplane fit the profile of smuggling aircraft, which use
clandestine landing strips and rivers to fly coca paste into neighboring
Colombia and Brazil. The aggressive shoot-down policy of Peru's air force,
which has downed more than two dozen suspected drug flights since 1994, is
well known.

The personnel on the U.S. surveillance plane could be an important source
for answers because they probably saw and heard at least part of the
interaction between the Peruvian pilot and the missionary pilot.

It is likely that the U.S. surveillance plane first identified the Cessna
approaching from Brazilian airspace as a suspicious aircraft and alerted
the Peruvian anti-drug plane, according to sources familiar with previous
shoot-downs. Although U.S. officials would not comment on this case, they
said that U.S. planes in the joint interdiction program use surveillance
technology to pinpoint suspected smugglers for the Peruvian air force.

"U.S. government aircraft provide location data about aircraft flying in
the region apparently without a flight plan," a U.S. Embassy spokesman
said. "The U.S. aircraft hands off this data to the Peruvian air force.
Peruvian aircraft conduct the identification and interception missions."

Acknowledging the gravity of the matter, President Bush took time out from
the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City to say he planned to discuss the
shoot-down with Peruvian Prime Minister Javier Perez de Cuellar.

"The United States is certainly upset by the fact that two citizens lost
their lives," Bush said. "I will wait to see all the facts before I reach
any conclusions about blame."

Facts were scarce Saturday because Peruvian government officials and the
victims had little to say. Survivors James and Cory Bowers, the slain
woman's husband and 7-year-old son, were in Iquitos along with the wounded
pilot, who was expected to be flown to Lima, the capital, on Saturday
night. The bodies of the mother and daughter were also expected to be flown
to Lima and probably on to the United States.

Donaldson's wife, Bobbi, told Peruvian journalists Friday night that her
husband had told her he saw a U.S. plane in the vicinity during the
interception. She said the pilot said he had tried to communicate with his
pursuer by radio and that he did not understand why the Peruvian anti-drug
plane opened fire. But there were no further details to corroborate or
refute that account Saturday.

Meanwhile, U.S. officials confirmed that, on the morning of the incident,
the missionaries' plane had been en route to Iquitos from Leticia, a
Colombian town on the border with Brazil. The Bowers family, who lived in
the Iquitos area, made the trip to Colombia to obtain a permanent Peruvian
visa for the infant girl, a procedure requiring her to leave and reenter
the country.

The Amazon area where Peru, Brazil and Colombia converge is notorious for
drug trafficking and guerrilla activity. But the Bowerses were apparently
unfazed by the dangers: They had lived in Peru since 1994, traveling by
houseboat as missionaries for the Assn. of Baptists for World Evangelism.

In a news release Saturday, the Pennsylvania-based religious group asserted
that its seaplane followed "all regulations, such as a flight plan,
remaining in Peruvian airspace and maintaining contact with the flight
towers. The plane had recently been refurbished and was in top condition
and was well marked."

Donaldson radioed the air traffic controllers in Iquitos just before 11
a.m., according to the news release. It was not clear how that call fit
into the sequence of events, as described by the Peruvian air force,
preceding the shooting.

After Veronica Bowers, known as Roni, and her baby were killed by bullets
that tore through the fuselage, Donaldson was able to land the plane on a
river and get the survivors out, according to the news release.

"They were rescued by a Peruvian in a dugout canoe and were taken to the
clinic in the town of Pebas," the press release said. "The Peruvian
military, along with some U.S. personnel, evacuated Jim and Cory to
Iquitos, along with the bodies of Roni and Charity."
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