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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AK: OPED: Drugs Attack Society's Moral Fiber
Title:US AK: OPED: Drugs Attack Society's Moral Fiber
Published On:2001-05-16
Source:Anchorage Daily News (AK)
Fetched On:2008-09-01 08:45:36


The pro-drug legalization movement in Alaska and worldwide received a
strong setback on May 10. President George W. Bush nominated John P.
Walters to be his Director of National Drug Control Policy. Mr.
Walters is a very experienced drug warrior. President Bush and Mr.
Walters strongly oppose drug legalization.

The moral foundation of our nation is founded on free, independent
thinking. The ability to distinguish right from wrong and individual
responsibility form the basis for our democratic republic. Drugs
destroy the ability to be free and think independently. The drug
legalization movement in Alaska is targeting our children. The youth
of Alaska need to know drugs are harmful.

Alaska, over the past few years, has been a specific target for the
drug legalization movement. The leaders of this movement are from
outside Alaska and are financed by individuals from outside Alaska.
Alaskans are unique, independent free thinkers. Drugs destroy all that
Alaskans hold dear. Most specifically, drugs destroy families and the
true victims are our children. Drug legalization, if allowed, will
destroy democracy as we know it.

Alaskans have been misled to believe that the use of marijuana is
safe. The dopers argue that marijuana is a "medicine." The dopers want
to "smoke marijuana," a weed with more cancer-causing agents than
tobacco. This marijuana has no quality-control standards and no
quality-control dosages. Quite simply it is street dope. However, the
marijuana raised in some of Alaska's quality indoor hydroponic
operations is very strong. It is 20 to 50 times stronger that the '60s
dope of Haight Ashbury in San Francisco.

In 1999 a survey of 134 hospital emergency room departments confirmed
the addictive destruction of marijuana.

According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network, marijuana/hashish was the
second most frequently mentioned illicit drug addressed in the survey.
Marijuana/hashish emergency department cases in San Francisco
increased 121% in the first half of 2000.

Those individuals treated for marijuana/hashish addressed why they
sought emergency treatment: 14,790 were treated for unexpected
reactions; 9,072 for overdoses; 7,737 were seeking detoxification and
15,636 confirmed they were dependent on it.

This study was of only 134 emergency departments. Imagine the true
scope of the problem. Medical examiners in the study confirmed 670
individuals lost their lives due to marijuana in 1999. This is not the
picture of marijuana use painted by the doper legalizers.

Marijuana is a gateway drug that the legalizers are using in an
attempt to legalize other illegal drugs. Marijuana is merely the first
step on the path to legalization. The outspoken leadership of
President Bush and Mr. Walters is absolutely necessary in combating
the effect of illegal drug trafficking in Alaska and worldwide. The
basic drug message for our children is quite simple: If we allow our
President and national leadership to send a permissive drug message,
drug use goes up drastically.

We are not losing the Drug War. Setbacks have occurred and lessons
learned. Drug legalization should not be tolerated. In 1979, with 25
million drug users, our nation demanded changes. By 1992 the number of
drug users was down to 12 million due to the leadership of President
Ronald Reagan and President George Bush responding to very concerned
citizens. Parents nationwide lead the attack on illicit drug usage. By
1999 the number of drug users had increased to 15 million due to very
permissive leadership in Washington.

Like World War II, our continuing "War on Drugs" is for the moral
fiber of the free world, our nation, and the future of our children.
Drug traffickers and dealers are the "Hitlers" of today. These
individuals are "one step up from child molesters" and should be
condemned. If illegal drugs are allowed to be socially acceptable,
future generations of children will never have a chance. Drugs destroy
the moral fiber of our society.

Our elected officials, local, state and federal law
enforcement/prosecutors and each concerned Alaskan should openly
oppose illicit drug legalization.
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