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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Assembly OKs Bar-Funded Rehab For Lawyers
Title:US CA: Assembly OKs Bar-Funded Rehab For Lawyers
Published On:2001-06-22
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-01 04:19:47

Health: Dues increase would pay for treatment of those who are mentally ill
or addicted to drugs or alcohol. Foe says they 'can take care of themselves.'

SACRAMENTO--Attorneys suffering from mental illness or drug or alcohol
addiction could get treatment financed by other lawyers under legislation
approved Thursday by the Assembly.

The bill, SB 479 by Senate leader John Burton (D-San Francisco), an
attorney and rehabilitated drug addict, passed on a 41-22 vote. It must
return to the Senate for a final vote.

Opponents argued that all practicing attorneys in California should not be
required to subsidize the treatment of their troubled colleagues.

The bill would direct the state bar to establish a rehabilitation program
for lawyers afflicted with drug and alcohol addictions or mental illness.
It would be financed by a $10 increase in bar dues.

"We want to clean up our own problem," said Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth
Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), an attorney.

Currently, attorneys can have their licenses suspended if the bar rules
that they have a substance abuse or mental health problem that interferes
with their practice of law. The bill would require these attorneys to
attend the rehabilitation program as a condition of getting their licenses

In addition, attorneys who are not under investigation by the bar could
enter the program voluntarily and keep their identities confidential.

"The program is not merely an adjunct of discipline," said Larry Doyle,
chief lobbyist for the state bar. "The idea is to fix the problem before it
reaches the disciplinary stage."

Doyle said substance abuse is more prevalent among attorneys than in the
general population. He noted that 30% to 40% of the bar's discipline cases
involve substance abuse in some way.

Mike Brady, a policy analyst for Burton, said the bill was modeled after an
existing program for doctors. Brady said that program is considered a
success and returns 74% of its participants to practice.

Legislators opposed to the measure asserted that it was bad policy to use
member dues to support a social program, calling it "welfare for lawyers."

"Lawyers can take care of themselves," said Assemblyman Phil Wyman
(R-Tehachapi), an attorney.

But supporters countered that the public would also benefit.

Speaker Bob Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks), himself an attorney, noted that
lawyers can "hurt the public." He said the bill would "ensure the public is

Bar lobbyist Doyle said the program would not become a haven for bad
attorneys seeking "absolution." He said that if a lawyer was heading for
disbarment, "you're most likely still going to get disbarred."
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