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News (Media Awareness Project) - Web: Letter of the Week
Title:Web: Letter of the Week
Published On:2006-11-10
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 22:28:57


By Jeff Pickens

In response to the opinion printed by Mr. Cowles of Breckenridge, I
must ask everyone to take a moment and think about what kind of
country do you want to live in?

I understand that marijuana and drugs in general have a negative
connotation in the minds of most people, but it seems to me that any
effort to legislate morality or what people like to do in the privacy
of their own homes is a step towards fascism.

I can see if someone is smoking pot in front of your kid or in public
might be a nuisance, yet their are many things that are a nuisance to me.

First, I find people who think their opinions should apply to
everyone are a nuisance, does that mean these people should not be
tolerated anywhere? To those of you who feel that voting for this
referendum is saying that it is OK for our kids to smoke pot, I say
to you look at your own example of alcohol.

As for statistics saying pot is more harmful than cigarettes and
alcohol, I would like to point out that the whole point of statistics
is to use information, these so called scientific studies, to get an
agenda across. Anybody can lie using statistics and pass it off as
fact to the ignorant masses.

Think for yourself, make your own conclusions about drugs, and apply
it to you and yours. In short, mind your own business, get a life,
and maybe just maybe you can do something constructive for society
rather than wasting your energy on what other people do in the
privacy of their own homes.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... What does that mean to you?

Jeff Pickens


Pubdate - Sun, 05 Nov 2006

Source - Summit Daily News (CO)

Referenced - http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v06/n1485/a01.html
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