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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Survey Suggests Youths Mix Drinking, Drugs, Sex 'A Lot'
Title:US: Survey Suggests Youths Mix Drinking, Drugs, Sex 'A Lot'
Published On:2002-02-07
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-31 04:46:32

Teenagers and young adults frequently use alcohol and drugs before sex and
are less likely to protect themselves from pregnancy and disease while
under the influence, a new nationwide survey shows.

The survey by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation of Menlo Park found
that about one-quarter of teens say they've had unprotected sex because of
drugs and alcohol. About half of the 15- to 24-year-olds who participated
say they think their peers mix sex, drugs and alcohol "a lot."

Experts say the study underscores the need for parents and schools to talk
with teenagers about the dangers of mixing alcohol, drugs and sex, and for
stepped up public education campaigns.

"The results show clearly that mixing drinking, drugs and sex are at least
as dangerous as drinking and driving for teens, because of the dangers of
AIDS, other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), teen pregnancy and date
rape," said Joseph A. Califano Jr.
Califano, former secretary of Health, Education and Welfare during the
Carter administration, is now president of the National Center on Addiction
and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York. A panel of experts
will discuss the results at a conference today at Columbia.

At a time when the Bush administration is promoting abstainance-only sex
education in the schools, Califano said it was imperative for educators and
parents to address the influence alcohol and drugs had on teens' decisions.

Sex education programs rarely discuss the influences alcohol and drugs have
on young people's decisions, Califano said. Likewise, substance abuse
prevention programs rarely discuss sexual activity.

Matt James, senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation, said
that the survey results might seem obvious. Nonetheless, he said, "It's
important to put the numbers to it and educate counselors, teachers,
parents and teenagers about the dangers of mixing drugs, alcohol and
unprotected sex. The consequences can be quite dire."

James ' group will be working with MTV, Univision and BET to increase
public service announcements addressing the dangers of mixing alcohol,
drugs and sex.

The survey was conducted on a random sample of 988 15- to 24-year-olds
between November and January. Among the study's other findings:

- -- Nearly two-thirds of teens say they believe their peers don't use
condoms while under the influence.

- -- When asked about their own decisions about sex, 43 percent say they are
concerned they might do more sexually while using drugs or alcohol.

- -- About one in 5, or 21 percent, say it is not a big deal if their peers
decide to have sex while under the influence.

The results came as little surprise to some parents, teens and counselors.

"Kids, when they're 17, 18 aren't thinking about their future," said Nancy,
23, of Solano County, who asked that her last name not be used. "When
you're out clubbing and doing your thing, drinking and drugs cause you to
do more than you would normally do.

"I'd say most importantly: Carry a condom in your purse, and if you're
going to have sex, use it."

Parent Emily Robles of San Francisco says the message she wants to get
across to her children is that they don't have to succumb to peer pressure.

"If the subject comes up," Robles said, "I'd tell them you can be friends
with people who use drugs or drink and have sex, but you don't have to copy
their behavior."

Others say talking helps.

"I'd try and make sure I'm talking with my teenager," said parent Debbie
Katz of Orinda. "Know where they are. Take the opportunity when teens are
ready to talk. Sit and listen, get to know their friends, and don't be
naive. Be aware, it happens."

"I think kids are savvy," added Katz, a therapist, many of whose clients
are teenagers. "Letting them know what addiction is about - having them be
informed - helps."



Thinking about people your age, how often do you think they drink or use
drugs before having sex?

A lot 50%

Sometimes 38%

Just occasionally 10%

Don't know/ refused 1%

Never 1%

How concerned are you personally that you might do more sexually than you
had planned because you are drinking or using drugs?

Somewhat concerned 22%

Not too concerned 19%

Not at all concerned 37%

Very concerned 21%

Don't know/ refused 1% .

Based on a national random sample of 998 adolescents and young adults (15
to 24 years old) between Nov. 13 and Jan. 20

Source - Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
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