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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: American Gulag: Petty Criminals Doing Hard Time
Title:US: American Gulag: Petty Criminals Doing Hard Time
Published On:2002-02-24
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-31 02:27:35

The United States has achieved the dubious honor of boasting the largest
prison and jail population on Earth. It reached this zenith by surpassing
cash-strapped Russia -- long its only rival as a society of mass
imprisonment -- after Russia released thousands of inmates so as to save money.

A few years earlier, as America rushed to lock up ever more of its
population for ever-pettier offenses, the absolute size of its incarcerated
population surpassed that of China -- despite China's population being more
than four times that of America. According to research by the British Home
Office, America now incarcerates over one fifth of the world's prisoners.

There is something bitterly ironic in this. America really is a land of
liberty, a place where lives, often scarred by injustice elsewhere, can be
remade. How tragic that over the past 20 years, the country's political
leaders have so often decided to deal with many of the most noxious
side-effects of poverty -- from chronic drug use and the establishment of
street drug markets, to hustling, gang membership and spraying graffiti on
public buildings -- through a vast over-reliance on incarceration.

How doubly tragic that this has occurred in tandem with a political assault
on the Great Society anti-poverty programs put in place during the 1960s;
that the investments in infrastructure, public education, public health
care and job training which might curtail crime more effectively are,
instead, being replaced by massive public expenditures on building new prisons.

The numbers buttressing this sprawling prison system are extraordinary.
Approximately two million Americans are now serving either prison or jail
time, over one million of them for non-violent offenses (a preponderance of
these either for drug use or low-level drug sales). Per hundred thousand
residents, the United States has an incarceration rate over five times that
of England, six times that of Canada and seven times that of Germany.

Somewhere around 10 percent of African American men in their 20s live
behind bars. In some states, where a single felony conviction is enough to
bar the offender from ever being able to vote again, over one quarter of
African American males are disenfranchised. Since 1980, a virtual "prison
industrial complex" has arisen, with phenomenal rates of new-prison
construction abetted by lucrative construction and prison-guard union
lobbies. Several states, including California, spend more on prisons than
they do on higher education. Despite dramatically falling crime rates over
the last 10 years (which most criminologists attribute more to demography
- -- there have simply been fewer young men of late), prison populations have
continued to soar.

As the number of truly heinous crimes has fallen, increasingly it is
small-time hoodlums, drug users, and mentally ill people who have been
drawing long spells behind bars. America today has five times as many
prisoners as it did in 1980.

One of the most dismaying developments is the spread of so-called "three
strikes" laws. California's version, passed by citizen referendum in 1993
and ratcheted into place by state legislators in 1994, provides for life
imprisonment of a criminal with two previous serious convictions who is
found guilty of a third felony. By the end of last year, there were about
7,000 people serving life sentences in California under this law. Many
thousands of them are serving life for small-time "third strikes": minor
drug crimes, car theft, petty fraud and burglary.

One such man is 58-year-old heroin addict Billy Ochoa, who is serving 326
years in a supermax (super maximum security) prison for $2,100 of welfare
fraud. Because he had been convicted of several burglaries over the
previous decades, when Ochoa was caught making fraudulent applications for
food stamps and emergency housing vouchers in Los Angeles, he was tried
under the three strikes law and given sentences on 13 separate counts to be
served in one of the toughest, most secure prisons in America. Ochoa's
sentence, apart from its extravagant cruelty, may ultimately cost taxpayers
as much as a million dollars.

In many high security American prisons, inmates are routinely kept in
virtual isolation, fed in their cells, allowed out for only half an hour of
exercise a day, sometimes denied a TV, a radio, or even decorations for
their concrete walls conditions which have been documented to drive many of
them into states of serious psychosis. How can things have come to this
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