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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Worrying About the Dark Side of 'Circuit Parties'
Title:US: Worrying About the Dark Side of 'Circuit Parties'
Published On:2002-06-20
Source:USA Today (US)
Fetched On:2008-08-30 09:10:53

The Events Began As Fundraisers Bringing In Millions Of Dollars For Gay
Charities And Aids Prevention. But A Growing Reputation For Drug Use And
Random Sex Has Public Health Officials And Som

WASHINGTON -- They began years ago, and from the start were raucous
celebrations of gay culture, from the drag queens who did sendups of pop
tunes to the hundreds of dancing partygoers who found comfort in numbers.

Today, "circuit parties" have become weekend-long bashes in cities across
the USA and Canada. They attract thousands of mostly young gay men who
dance until dawn and whose admission fees raise millions of dollars for
AIDS-prevention groups and gay charities. At the Old Post Office Pavilion
here in April, about 2,500 shirtless men packed the dance floor during a
circuit party called "Cherry 7."

But charities -- along with public health officials and many gay rights
leaders -- are increasingly uncomfortable with what has become the dark
side of circuit parties: widespread drug use and random, unprotected sex
that some charities say is just the type of behavior they discourage.

At the Cherry 7 party, drug use was apparent and acknowledged. "Probably a
good 25% of the people here, maybe more, are on drugs," said David
Tillette, a drug counselor and a volunteer at the party. "It does worry me.
I feel like it's deteriorating our health."

Concerns that such events have grown out of control have led one major AIDS
service organization, Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York City, to get out
of the circuit party business. Other groups, mindful of the financial
windfall the parties provide, are trying to stop drug use and encourage
safe sex among partygoers. Still others have tried to detach themselves
from the controversy by allowing the parties to be run by promoters, who
take a cut of the proceeds and send the rest to the charities.

Health officials say the parties have become a reflection of the risky
behavior that is contributing to rising rates of HIV infection among gay men.

Drug use prevalent A federal survey last year of 295 men who had attended
circuit parties within the previous year indicated that 95% of them took at
least one illegal drug at a party.

The survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the men's
favorite party drugs were Ecstasy (also known as "X"), which gives users a
sense of well-being and unlimited energy but also can cause brain damage;
the anesthetic ketamine ("Special K"); the sedative gamma hydroxybuterate
(GHB); and crystal methamphetamine, a stimulant. The survey also said 28%
of the men reported having sex without condoms on circuit party weekends.

Drugs are so prevalent at the parties that organizers often hire medical
teams to treat overdoses.

"These parties are creating (HIV-positive) clients," said Troy Masters,
publisher of LGNY, a gay newspaper in New York City that has opposed the
parties. "You wouldn't find the American Cancer Society throwing a smoking

Gay Men's Health Crisis, which was founded in 1981 and serves 11,000
clients annually in the New York area, stopped holding its party in 1998
after it became known for drug use and sex. The annual party had begun 16
years earlier as a way to educate gay men about safe sex and to raise money
for AIDS prevention.

"It became a social phenomenon above and beyond what (we) intended and
beyond what (we) could control," said Ronald Johnson, an official of the
group. At its peak in 1998, the party drew more than 10,000 men and raised
more than $450,000. "We're still closing those (funding) gaps," he said.

YouthPride of Atlanta, a group that provides support for gays ages 13 to
24, turned down a pledge from the "HotLanta" circuit party last year.
"YouthPride is trying to promote . . . healthy behaviors. Circuit parties
are not appropriate for the youth we are working with," said Linda Ellis,
the group's executive director when it declined the funds.

Other groups, determined to keep their fundraisers alive, are cracking down
on drug use and increasing security. Among those is Philadelphia Fight, an
AIDS service group. "We confiscate a lot of drugs," Executive Director Jane
Shull said. "We don't want anybody to die. We don't want anyone to get
hurt. We certainly don't want anyone to contract HIV."

Meanwhile, other charities acknowledge wrestling with the ethics of
accepting contributions from circuit parties and prefer not to be involved
directly in the events -- in part because of liability concerns.

Whitman-Walker Clinic, an AIDS service organization here, accepted $35,000
last year from the Cherry party. This year, Cherry organizers did not
include Whitman-Walker on their list of beneficiaries. Whitman-Walker
officials have discussed whether their group should benefit from parties
that could foster the spread of HIV, Executive Director A. Cornelius Baker
said. "We would never produce such an event," he said. "If you are holding
an event where there is the potential for alcohol and drug use, you have a
greater responsibility about what occurs."

Weighing the benefits Cities where circuit parties are held say they
usually present fewer problems for police than similar events. But some
city officials are beginning to examine whether the economic benefits from
the parties should outweigh the troubling behavior of some partygoers.

Last year in Palm Springs, Calif., Mayor Will Kleindienst cited concerns
about drug use when he asked the City Council to consider banning the
annual "White Party," which attracts more than 10,000 men who generally
dress in white. Last year, Palm Springs police reported 13 overdoses and
two citations for sex in public during the party weekend. The city
eventually decided to allow the party to return to its convention center.

"In a nutshell, the economic impact of the White Party is huge," said David
Aaker of the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce.

To address the mayor's concerns, organizers emphasized the dangers of
drugs, gave out condoms and had an ambulance at this year's party, held
Easter weekend. Two overdoses were reported.

Circuit parties got their name from those who travel to various cities --
the "circuit" -- to attend several parties each year. The parties
essentially are the gay version of raves, parties that are popular among
some young people.

There are two or three circuit party weekends a month. Among the cities
where they are held: Montreal, San Francisco, Atlanta, Palm Springs, Miami
and Washington. The parties are not universally popular among gay men,
although many say they have attended one. The parties generally attract
professionals ages 21 to 35.

At the party here in April, organizers sheathed the building's food court
in black drapes, suspended laser lights and disco balls in an elaborate
stage set, and played music at earplug levels. Two lip-syncing drag queens
did a floor show. Proceeds -- about $150,000 -- went to gay and lesbian groups.

Organizers of the party emphasized a safe-sex, anti-drug message. Everyone
who bought a ticket received a pocket-size drug guide. A sponsor scattered
festively wrapped condoms and lubricants throughout the building. The
organizers hired physicians to provide first aid. "We've never had to
transport someone to the hospital," said Patrick Menasco, executive vice
president of the Cherry Fund, which organized the party. "Weigh that
against the fundraising and community-building. This event is worth it."

At 1:15 a.m., a man who Cherry volunteers said had taken too much GHB was
about to lose consciousness. A friend helped him down some stairs.

Two Philadelphia couples said they attend up to eight parties a year and
usually take Ecstasy pills with a liquid shot of GHB or some ketamine,
which can be liquid or powder. "If you don't do drugs," said Jonathon, 33,
who did not want his last name used, "you're not going to enjoy it as much."
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