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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Government Mind Games
Title:US: Government Mind Games
Published On:2002-07-14
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-30 05:37:05

A CIA Mickey -- Lawsuit Claims LSD Was Put In Veteran's Drink In 1957

Until the night of an office Christmas party in 1957, Wayne Ritchie was a
Marine Corps veteran, a deputy U.S. marshal and a solid citizen. Overcome
by what he later described as depression and a delusion that everyone had
turned against him, he tried to hold up a bar that night in San Francisco's
Fillmore District.

Spared a prison sentence, Ritchie quit his job in disgrace, spent years
fighting off suicidal urges and for more than three decades lived with
guilt and self-contempt -- until a 1999 newspaper article propelled him
into federal court with a lawsuit against the U.S. government that could
soon go to trial.

The article was an obituary of Sidney Gottlieb, director of a CIA
mind-control project called MKULTRA, in which LSD and other drugs were
given to hundreds of unsuspecting Americans during the Cold War. Ritchie
believes he may have been one of the guinea pigs, especially after the
diary of a federal agent involved in MKULTRA showed he may have been at the
same 1957 Christmas party attended by Ritchie.

Ritchie, now 75 and living in San Jose, "felt that a great weight had been
lifted from his shoulders," said psychiatrist James S. Ketchum in a report
filed in federal court this April. "He wept when he called his brother with
the news."

Ketchum's report, based on six hours of interviews with Ritchie last year,
a review of the case records and research on drugs and the CIA, concluded
the federal marshal had been a victim of the "covert administration of LSD
or an LSD-like substance."

Government lawyers said their own psychiatric expert had determined Ritchie
was probably drunk and certainly wasn't on LSD. They accused Ritchie of
concocting the drugging theory to cash in on publicity about MKULTRA, the
subject of congressional hearings in the 1970s and a 1997 movie,
"Conspiracy Theory."

But a new ruling by a federal judge in San Francisco may have removed the
major obstacles to a trial of the former marshal's $12 million damage suit.
The suit claims invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional
distress and negligent supervision of government employees.

Mind Control

MKULTRA, the government's search for chemicals or techniques to control
human consciousness, was largely a response to reports of brainwashing of
American prisoners during the Korean War.

According to congressional testimony and other records, the CIA and federal
narcotics agents started giving mind-altering drugs to prison volunteers as
well as unsuspecting government employees and private citizens in the early
1950s and continued to do so for at least a decade.

"We tested these drugs in bars, in restaurants, in so-called massage
parlors, any place where there was a drink and people were eating and
drinking, " said MKULTRA operative Ike Feldman in a 1999 documentary on the
Arts and Entertainment cable network.

Because of the secrecy and destruction of records, many victims were never
told what happened to them, said Ritchie's lawyer, Sidney Bender.

One unwitting subject, Army chemist Frank Olson, jumped to his death from a
hotel window in 1953 under the influence of LSD that had been slipped into
a glass of Cointreau. Congress approved a $750,000 payment to his widow in

The U.S. government later paid a total of $750,000 to settle a suit by nine
Canadians who learned they had been the subjects of MKULTRA experiments
during psychiatric treatment in the mid-1950s.

Suit Failed At Trial

At least one lawsuit has gone to trial. It ended in a government victory in
1999. The suit was filed by Bender on behalf of the daughter of Stanley
Glickman, an American art student who suffered hallucinations and
long-lasting psychiatric damage after being given a drink by a fellow
American in Paris in 1952.

Before his death in 1992, Glickman said the stranger who gave him the drink
resembled the club-footed Gottlieb, but a New York federal jury that
examined government travel records decided Gottlieb had not been in Paris
at the time.

Ritchie's case may depend on the whereabouts of a man named George White,
who in 1957 was a federal Bureau of Narcotics agent and ran MKULTRA in the
Bay Area.

White kept a diary that read, for the day in question, "home flu -- xmas
party Fed bldg Press Room." White was never asked about the entry before
his death in 1975, and its meaning is disputed by the opposing sides.
Ritchie argues the entry shows White either attended the party or was in
touch with other agents who were there. The government says it shows White
stayed home.

Ritchie, then 30, had been a deputy marshal since 1954 after five years in
the Marines and a little over a year as a prison guard at Alcatraz. At the
party, he downed four or five bourbon and sodas over several hours, then
returned to the marshal's office and started feeling strange.

"I became depressed and was overcome with a sense that all my friends and
acquaintances had turned against me," he said in a court declaration. He
went outside -- where, according to the psychiatrist's report, he seemed to
be walking in a tunnel without effort and with increasing feelings of
paranoia -- and stopped at several bars, where he conceived the idea of
getting money for his girlfriend to buy a plane ticket to New York,
something she had once mentioned in jest.

Holding Up The Bar

He retrieved his two service revolvers, drove to the Fillmore bar, demanded
money, got distracted and was hit over the head and knocked unconscious.
When police arrived, he tearfully asked one officer if he could spare a
bullet and save the state some money.

A Chronicle story two days later was headlined, "Good Guy Fails as Bad Guy.
" Ritchie pleaded guilty to attempted robbery and was fined $500 and given
a suspended sentence.

"He remained severely depressed for at least six years, and experienced
disturbing flashbacks and nightmares," said Ketchum's psychiatric report.
"His self-esteem was destroyed, and his lifestyle changed from that of an
outgoing, cheerful and ambitious marshal to that of a guilt-ridden,
self-depriving, subdued house painter, with recurrent suicidal urges."

Ritchie painted houses for 34 years before retiring in 1992, and now lives
with his wife on his union pension and Social Security. He said his lawyer
has told him not to discuss the case.

In her ruling rejecting the government's attempt to dismiss the suit, Chief
U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel said the usual deadline for such
personal-injury claims -- two years after the injury occurred -- might not
apply to Ritchie's suit more than 40 years after the Christmas party. She
said the evidence could show that, because of government concealment,
Ritchie had no reason to know what had happened to him before reading the
1999 obituary.

"A reasonable person who had never used LSD would not think he had been
exposed to it," the judge said in her July 1 decision. She noted that
Ritchie denied previous knowledge of MKULTRA and that the government
destroyed records of the program in the 1970s.

Job Description

The government also sought dismissal on the grounds that the alleged injury
occurred while Ritchie was on duty at the Christmas party and was covered,
at most, by workers' compensation benefits, which Ritchie never sought. But
Patel said the normal risks of a marshal's job do not include involuntary
drugging by the CIA.

Patel did not discuss whether the evidence presented so far supported
Ritchie's LSD claim. In a case that concerns decades-old events with scanty
records and few living witnesses, that question might not be resolved even
by a trial -- which, under the federal law on damage suits against the
government, would be conducted by Patel without a jury.

The Justice Department is making a final attempt to dismiss the suit
without a trial by arguing that Ritchie has presented no evidence, beyond
speculation, that federal agents caused his injuries. The motion is pending
before Patel.

The government denies that Ritchie was an MKULTRA subject and says the
likely explanation is the one he himself believed for more than 40 years --
that he was drunk. They cite his admission that he often had 12 to 25
drinks on weekend nights at the time and that he had been drinking before
the robbery attempt.

Psychiatrist Henry D. Abraham, in a declaration filed by the government,
said Ritchie's actions that evening showed few of the known symptoms of LSD
use and included "a complicated set of planned behaviors" that would be
difficult after taking the drug.

But Ketchum countered that Ritchie had never reacted that way to alcohol
before and showed clear signs of LSD intoxication -- a debate that may soon
be replayed in court.
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