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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Military Sees Drug Use Rise Despite Tests And Warnings
Title:US: Military Sees Drug Use Rise Despite Tests And Warnings
Published On:2002-07-29
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-30 03:47:45

The Pentagon's battle to keep illicit drugs out of the barracks and off
warships has faltered during the past few years as more servicemen and
women have failed drug tests and been discharged.

Drug use has increased after a 20-year decline, and 17,000 people have been
kicked out of the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps since 1999,
according to statistics compiled by The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Some critics worry that a higher incidence of substance abuse may weaken
preparedness in a military at war. The Pentagon argues that its drug
problem remains small compared with the civilian world.

Yet military authorities acknowledge that repeated warnings about the
penalties for drug use - and frequent random testing - are failing to deter
some troops.

Making things tougher, illegal substances are easily available in San Diego
County, where military and civilian youths commonly mingle at parties and
there are the enticements of an international border.

"Ecstasy, raves, Mexico and 9/11 - that's going to continue to make
stresses that may cause (sailors) to use drugs," said John Schultz, the
civilian manager of the Navy's West Coast PREVENT drug education program.

Some fear rising drug use shows the military is becoming lax - a claim the
services flatly reject.

"We've taken our eye off the ball," said Robert Maginnis, vice president of
policy for the Family Research Council, a Washington think tank. "We're
supposed to have zero tolerance (toward drugs)."

Military data requested by the Union-Tribune show:

Last year, the Navy discharged more people for drug use than the Army, Air
Force and Marine Corps combined - 3,407 sailors, up 47 percent from 1999.

The Marine Corps, the smallest and the most frequently drug-tested service,
lost about 1 percent of its forces to drug offenses last year - the largest
percentage in the military.

Urinalysis samples revealed that drug test failures rose 82 percent for the
Air Force between 1999 and last year. The Air Force tests less often than
the other military branches.

Drug testing by the Army increased 3 percent since 1999; the number of
soldiers who failed increased 32 percent.

Military anti-drug experts contend the increases are modest in a force of
nearly 1.4 million men and women.

"All the indicators are telling us the numbers are going up," said Col.
Craig Smith, chief of the Air Force military justice division. "But, there
wasn't the sense of the sky was falling."

Military officials say they have generally made great progress.

"By almost any measure, we're light-years ahead of where we were 20 years
ago and even 10 years ago," said Air Force Col. Peter Durand, the service's
substance abuse program manager.

Even so, the Navy and Marines have been embarrassed by several high-profile
drug cases recently.

Recently, the Navy held the first of two courts-martial from a May
crackdown on drug distribution and use aboard the San Diego-based aircraft
carrier Nimitz. Both individuals were found guilty and sentenced to the
brig. In all, seven sailors aboard the warship were charged with drug
violations and await trial. Ten more sailors aboard two destroyers in San
Diego also have been punished and are being discharged after failing random
urinalysis tests.

And, earlier this month, the Marine Corps announced a two-year drug
investigation at Camp Lejeune, N.C., in which 82 Marines and sailors have
been convicted and $1.4 million worth of drugs was confiscated. Offenses
involved distribution and use of designer or club drugs such as Ecstasy,
ketamine and GHB.

Thousands of others who test positive for drug use remain in the military
because some commanders, granted wide discretion, give first-time offenders
second chances. Last year, for example, 8,948 Army soldiers tested
positive, but only 1,262 were removed.

With the nation fighting terrorism, drug abuse poses a readiness issue,
some military and defense experts say. Troops using drugs are more likely
to make mistakes, react slowly in combat and be vulnerable to blackmail.

"We don't want anything that would detract from performance," Smith said.

The problem is also expensive.

Training for many military jobs, such as tank drivers or jet mechanics,
costs more than $100,000. Pilot training is an even greater investment.
That money is wasted if a service member is discharged or court-martialed
for drug use.

The military's internal battle against drugs has been a long one.

The Vietnam War was marked by pervasive drug use throughout the largely
conscript military. The social upheaval of an unpopular conflict - combined
with a permissive attitude toward drugs at home and easy access to opiates
and marijuana in Vietnam - produced a major military drug problem in the
1960s and '70s. Even when an all-volunteer force replaced draftees, drug
use continued to interfere.

It wasn't until random drug-testing began in 1981 that the Pentagon
dramatically cut usage from an estimated 40 percent for marijuana to less
than 2 percent today, according to surveys. Zero-tolerance policies, first
instituted during the Reagan administration, and more accurate tests
further reduced use.

Slightly more than 1.5 percent of the military tested positive last year
for drug use.

"If in a normal society you achieved these (military) levels, it would be
considered a success," said civilian drug control expert Wilkie Wilson. "I
can't get worked up about this." A federal survey of civilian 18-to
25-year-olds in 2000 indicated that 16 percent had used drugs during the
previous month.

The military tests for marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines (including
Ecstasy), amphetamines, opiates, LSD and PCP.

Most military branches randomly test about 10 percent of personnel each
month. The Marines administer nearly four tests per capita each year. The
Air Force tests the least in a year, fewer than one test per service member.

The Navy and Marines also do unit-wide drug tests at least once a year. And
last year, a San Diego admiral doubled the drug tests for sailors on many

The military's anti-drug message is loud and clear to the new recruits at
the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot and every other boot camp.

Recruiters explain the drug testing policy several times to potential
enlistees, who are first tested when they are screened by doctors at
regional processing centers.

In their first five minutes in boot camp, Marine recruits hear the drug
policy again. Within their first 72 hours, urine is tested. Those who fail
are sent home immediately.

Boot camp also includes a two-hour class on drug rules, the testing program
and the hazards of drugs. Several times, the recruits and drill instructors
informally discuss drugs and how to avoid them.

"We try to ingrain it into them at the beginning," said MCRD drill
instructor Staff Sgt. Manuel Guerra. "No one can say they didn't know (the

But some use drugs anyway.

Master Chief Petty Officer Fred Cetnar sees them in his office aboard the
amphibious ship Peleliu. He interviews every sailor in the crew whose
urinalysis test "pops" positive for drugs.

His first question: "Why?"

Many just shake their heads. Others bury their faces in their hands and
cry. Some deny the results - until he shows them the lab printout.

"Nine out of 10 say 'I made a mistake,' " said Cetnar, a 25-year Navy
veteran. "Unfortunately, in the military, there's no second chance."

Like their civilian counterparts, some young service members ignore the
warnings, believing they are indestructible, above the law or unlikely to
be caught, several noncommissioned officers said.

Alcohol also is an important factor.

Young Marines party off base with civilians, get drunk and, at the
suggestion of others, may try an illicit drug, said Master Gunnery Sgt.
David Save. Then, they are snagged by a random drug test, he added.

The military's law enforcement agencies, such as the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service and the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations,
target drug distribution and dealing on and near bases.

Such investigations were key to the arrests in the Nimitz and Camp Lejeune
cases, agents said.

But those agencies largely have shifted focus to counterterrorism since
Sept. 11, officials note privately. Publicly, they say, drug investigations
are continuing.

Those who fail a random drug test can be dismissed through an
administrative process and given an honorable, general or
other-than-honorable discharge, depending on the circumstances. Such
dismissals may keep them from re-enlisting, bar them from some federal and
state jobs or cause them to lose veterans' benefits.

Offenders found guilty at court-martial can face fines, the forfeiture of
pay, time in a military brig or federal prison, loss of rank and a
dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge. They will have a felony or
misdemeanor criminal record, depending on the severity of the crime or

But, despite the risks, the past three years have seen some increases.

Overall military drug testing has increased 15 percent in the past three
years; more than 3 million urinalysis tests were given last year. The Navy
expanded its testing program by one-third, from 699,107 tests in fiscal
1999 to 933,130 in fiscal 2001.

Throughout the military, positive test results rose 29 percent during that
time and administrative discharges increased by 32 percent.

Discharges resulting from courts-martial could not be calculated because
the Navy and Air Force could not provide annual statistics on drug-related
charges that go to trial.

Some military drug experts see progress this year, but no one is declaring

"I think we're doing a better job," said Col. Christine Halder, who
oversees the Army's drug-testing program. "But, I can't tell you what we
didn't catch, and I'd be foolish to say we catch everything."
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