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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: Canadians Want Relaxed Marijuana Laws
Title:Canada: Canadians Want Relaxed Marijuana Laws
Published On:2003-01-02
Source:Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Fetched On:2008-08-29 04:41:27

Canada Speaks 2002: A Year-End Survey for Maclean's - Global TV - CanWest

OTTAWA -- Half of Canadians want the federal government to decriminalize
possession of marijuana, and support for relaxed laws is not confined to the

The new survey comes at a time when Justice Minister Martin Cauchon says he
is going to remove simple pot possession from the Criminal Code, but his
boss, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, isn't sure.

"This is something that is against the law right now and you've got half the
population saying let's decriminalize that," said Toronto pollster Michael
Sullivan. "It certainly says that we are a relatively liberal society on
this issue."

The U.S. has also warned against decriminalization, saying Canada should get
over its "reefer madness" if it doesn't want to face the wrath of its
largest trading partner.

The survey of 1,400 adult Canadians revealed 50 per cent either strongly or
somewhat support decriminalization, while 47 per cent are somewhat or
strongly opposed.

The poll was conducted in the first half of November for Maclean's magazine,
Global TV and Southam News by the Strategic Counsel, a Toronto-based polling
firm. The results are considered accurate to within 3.1 percentage points,
19 times out of 20.The survey showed 53 per cent of Canadians under 40
support looser laws, while 48 per cent of people aged 40 and older want to
see marijuana decriminalized.

Sullivan said there was less of an age gap than there is on other social
issues, such as gay marriage and gay adoption.

"I guess we should think that marijuana smoking in general started in the
1960s so a lot of people now who are 40 plus are people who may have tried
marijuana in the 60s," Sullivan said.

The survey also revealed men are more likely than women to favour relaxed
laws and support is strongest among people with money.

Fifty-three per cent of men said the government should act, compared to 48
per cent of women.

The findings are different than they are for most social issues, in which
women tend to be more liberal than men, Sullivan said.

"Is it that men are smoking more, that this is more of a risky activity?"
Sullivan asked. "We know that men tend to be a little less risk adverse than
women, so is that part of it?"

Support for looser laws also increased with income. Of those earning more
than $100,000, 59 per cent want marijuana decriminalized.

The next strongest block of support came from people in the $80,000 to
$100,000 wage bracket.

The pollsters speculated support is driven by education and affordability,
so people who were exposed to pot in university are the most likely to want
new laws.

But the polling firm warned the government should proceed with caution
because the results show almost half of adult Canadians oppose any law

"This isn't 70 or 80 per cent saying let's do it, but it certainly suggests
that this is something that should be vigorously debated and as you get more
information, let's see where people stand on it," Sullivan stated.

The poll results show British Columbia leads the pack of supporters, with 56
per cent in favour.

Support in Ontario registered at 51 per cent, while 48 per cent of Albertans
and Quebecers reported favouring looser laws. Support was lowest in
Saskatchewan and Atlantic Canada, with 46 per cent in favour.

"When you're looking for lifestyle liberalism, Quebec is usually the
trendsetter, but not so in this case," said Sullivan.

David Plaxton, another Strategic Council pollster, suspects British
Columbians are most likely to favour revamped marijuana laws because of the
"hippie culture" on the West Coast.The regional margins of error, at a
95-per-cent confidence level, were within 5.8 percentage points in both B.C.
and Alberta, 7.5 percentage points in Saskatchewan/Manitoba, 5.1 percentage
points in Ontario, 5.8 percentage points in Quebec and 6.7 percentage points
in Atlantic Canada.

The Strategic Council did not ask Canadians whether they support
legalization of marijuana. Rather the survey dealt with decriminalization,
which would still make possession illegal, but people caught would be given
a fine akin to a parking ticket rather than saddled with a criminal record.
But Sullivan suspects many of those surveyed did not distinguish between
decriminalization and legalization.
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