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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: Editorial: Your Tax Dollars, Their Agenda
Title:US FL: Editorial: Your Tax Dollars, Their Agenda
Published On:2003-05-25
Source:St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Fetched On:2008-08-25 15:14:21

If Republicans in the House get their way, the nation's drug czar may soon
have the power to spend millions of tax dollars to defeat pro-medical
marijuana ballot initiatives and candidates. The idea is an unprecedented
assault on our democratic system.

A provision quietly slipped into this year's Office of National Drug
Control Policy's authorization bill would give the White House office the
ability to use its annual $195-million antidrug advertising budget to
oppose any initiative or candidate supporting the legalization of an
illegal drug. The measure would turn the public treasury into a campaign
chest for the president's party, allowing the White House to purchase
radio, television and print ads in furtherance of its own political goals.
The tactic of using the people's money to influence their views and
election results has a familiar ring. It follows a script written by the
corrupt regimes of Africa and Latin America.

The impetus behind this push apparently stems from the campaigning Drug
Czar John Walters did last fall against an initiative in Nevada that would
have essentially decriminalized marijuana. After the initiative failed, a
pro-legalization advocacy group complained to state officials that Walters'
activity violated campaign disclosure rules. Walters was found to be immune
from the state laws, but Nevada's attorney general wrote that "it is
unfortunate that a representative of the federal government substantially
intervened in a matter that was clearly a State of Nevada issue."

Now, House Republicans want to erase any bar to such campaigning.
Apparently they don't like the way the drug debate is going at the state
level. Eight states have passed ballot initiatives legalizing the use of
marijuana for medical purposes. Other voter reforms, such as sending
addicts to treatment rather than jail, have also succeeded. The Bush
administration wants to be able to put its finger on the scale of future

The ONDCP authorization bill is currently before the House Government
Reform Committee where it is being held up by opposition to this provision.
There should be no compromising here. Once we allow the executive branch to
use tax money to influence voters, we will have opened a dangerous door.
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