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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MO: Column: Feel Sorry For Rush? He Wouldn't Like It
Title:US MO: Column: Feel Sorry For Rush? He Wouldn't Like It
Published On:2003-10-12
Source:Springfield News-Leader (MO)
Fetched On:2008-08-24 02:39:17

I can't help wondering what Rush Limbaugh would have said about the Drug
Policy Alliance before last week. The alliance considers drug addicts
people who need treatment, not criminals who deserve to rot in prison.

I can imagine the acerbic, cigar-chomping commentator might have had some
choice words for the group and its touchy-feely approach to weak scumbags,
whose addiction is evidence of the liberal coddling and lack of personal
responsibility that's ruining this beautiful country.

Or maybe not, considering Limbaugh confessed Friday afternoon that he's
been one of those dreaded drug addicts for years now, and the Drug Policy
Alliance actually put out a statement supporting him.

"Whether you like or hate his politics isn't the point here," said Ethan
Nadelmann, executive director of the alliance. "As long as no one else was
harmed as a consequence of his drug use, Rush Limbaugh should not face
incarceration or otherwise be punished for what he chose to to put in his
own body."

I'm not sure how Limbaugh would respond to that, and we won't know for a
while what he has to say about anything since he's locked down in detox for
the next month, trying to break a years-long addiction to painkillers.

It's hoped the time in rehab will also give him a chance to think about
that damned liberal virtue, compassion.

Limbaugh needs help and he knows it -- as sure as his past rhetoric will
haunt him now that he's forced to be humble. Consider the whipping he might
give some of his own statements if they were made by a hated liberal.

"You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life."

Yeah, like hiding this addiction you've been fighting for years? Some honesty.

"I am checking myself into a treatment center for the next 30 days to once
and for all break the hold this highly addictive medication has on me."

What's this sissy abdication of personal responsibility? Real Americans
pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

"At the present time the authorities are conducting an investigation."

Funny, a week ago you denied knowledge you were the focus of a law
enforcement probe. Can you say Slick Willie?

Limbaugh has made himself such an easy target, you almost feel sorry for
him. But Rush wouldn't want me to.

So I won't.
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