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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IA: Seeking Solutions (Part 2)
Title:US IA: Seeking Solutions (Part 2)
Published On:2003-11-27
Source:Des Moines Register (IA)
Fetched On:2008-08-23 21:15:53

Addiction is a disease. With methamphetamine or any other drug, the
affliction lies in the mind as well as the body. Physical and psychological
cravings overrule willpower.

With few exceptions, people who have successfully quit meth and other drugs
have two general things in common.

One, they genuinely want to stop. Most have long since abandoned
rationalizing their drug use and have given up on the idea that they can
quit alone.

Two, they are willing to accept help. Iowa wouldn't have a meth epidemic if
people were able to stop using on their own. Addicts need support for the
times when cravings push aside even the deepest-held values and beliefs.

Experts have long said the answer to the misery wrought by meth is
three-pronged: prevention, treatment and law enforcement. Iowans also can
take action to contribute.


* To learn more about meth's effects, or to educate your group or
community, contact the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy at (515)
281-3788 or www.state.ia.us/ government/odcp/. Meth education speakers also
are available through the Iowa State Patrol at (515) 281-5824.

* If you know a child who is being exposed to a meth lab, call law
enforcement first. To report child abuse or neglect related to a parent's
use, call the state's abuse hot line at (800) 362-2178.


* A wealth of information related to substance abuse treatment - including
reading materials, crisis counseling and locations of treatment centers -
is available at the Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center. Call the
center's toll-free hot line at (866) 242-4111 or go to www.drugfreeinfo.org/

* To find a 12-step program, contact Narcotics Anonymous at (515) 244-2277
or the treatment referral service at (800) 711-6375.

* Powell Chemical Dependency Center at Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines
hosts Crystal Meth Users Anonymous, a 12-step meeting specifically for meth
users, at 8 p.m. every Thursday at 700 E. University Ave., Des Moines,
fourth floor.

* Researchers are seeking volunteers for a national study of methamphetamine-

addiction treatment methods. Participants receive free counseling,
medication and other treatment three times a week at Iowa Lutheran
Hospital. For more information, call (888) 584-6312.

Law Enforcement

* If you've found what you believe to be the remnants of a meth lab, know
the whereabouts of an active lab or know someone who has purchased
chemicals used to make meth, call the state's lab hot line at (800) 532-0052.
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