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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Thousands of Cases in Doubt After Decision on Sentencing
Title:US: Thousands of Cases in Doubt After Decision on Sentencing
Published On:2004-06-26
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-22 07:08:44

Lawyers Nationwide Are Unsure How to Proceed Now That the Supreme
Court Has Thrown Out Established Punishment Guidelines.

WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court has thrown a wrench into the machinery
of sentencing criminals nationwide, legal experts said Friday, and it
is not clear the machine can be easily or quickly repaired.

Until now, judges usually have decided the proper punishment for a
defendant who pleads guilty or is convicted by a jury.

But on Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that any factor that results
in an increased punishment -- such as carrying a gun or failing to
show remorse -- must be decided by a unanimous jury, not by a single

Suddenly, thousands of pending criminal cases stood in doubt. Must
prosecutors change the indictments to include a long list of factors
that bear on the crimes? Or must judges hold a separate,
post-conviction trial phase for the jury to decide the sentence?

If that does not work, must lawmakers rewrite the laws to set fixed
prison terms for certain crimes?

All these questions were being kicked around after Thursday's

"It's going to be interesting to see how all this plays out in the
next weeks," said Michael Horowitz of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
He noted that 300 to 400 criminals are sentenced every day in the
federal courts alone. Currently, 96% of them plead guilty and waive a
jury trial. Now, however, more of them might decide to take their
chances before a jury, since it would be difficult for all 12 jurors
to reach unanimous agreement on all aspects of the government's
description of the crime.

"We might see fewer guilty pleas because of this," Horowitz

Many lawyers were quick to say Friday that they do not see an easy

"A lot of people are scratching their heads," said Kent Scheidegger of
the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation in Sacramento. "The federal
sentencing reforms were many years in the making. Now they are in peril."

Prior to the 1980s, two kinds of sentencing systems had been used and
discarded at the state and federal levels.

One set fixed sentences by law. A person convicted of robbery would be
sentenced to five years in prison, for example, regardless of the

"Such a system assures uniformity," Justice Stephen G. Breyer said in
dissent Thursday, "but at intolerable costs," since all robbers and
robberies are not alike.

The other option, commonly used until the 1970s, set a high maximum in
the law -- often life in prison -- but in fact a judge or parole board
decided how long the defendant would serve. For example, as Justice
Antonin Scalia noted, the law might have said burglary could be
punished by up to 40 years in prison, even though no one would
actually serve that long for that crime alone.

In 1984, Congress passed the Sentencing Reform Act to make criminal
punishments more consistent and uniform across the nation. It was the
work of a political odd couple: Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal
Democrat from Massachusetts, and Strom Thurmond, the conservative
Republican from South Carolina.

Before, Thurmond had complained that too many judges gave light
sentences. Kennedy worried that poor and black defendants were too
often given unduly harsh sentences. The two agreed on a plan to set
more detailed sentencing guidelines so the punishment would fit the
crime and not turn on the identity of the judge or the defendant.

The sentencing guidelines, which went into effect in 1987, set dozens
of factors that might bear on the punishment in a particular case. For
example, in a bank robbery, the judge might add or subtract from the
prison term based on the kind of institution that was robbed, the
amount that was stolen, whether the money was recovered or repaid,
whether a weapon was shown or used, whether the tellers were
threatened or hurt, and so on.

However, in Thursday's ruling, the Supreme Court said it is
unconstitutional for a judge acting alone to use one of those
sentencing factors to add to the punishment.

The U.S. Constitution gives defendants a right to trial by a jury, and
"every defendant has the right to insist that the prosecutor prove to
a jury all facts legally essential to the punishment," said Scalia in
Blakely vs. Washington.

Although the case involved the sentencing guidelines used in the state
of Washington, the ruling cast doubt on the similar federal sentencing

California does not have similar guidelines, and the state's courts
may escape the full effect of Thursday's ruling.

"California has been ahead of the curve" because in some cases, juries
already decide on whether to increase the punishment, said Laurie
Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. But for
some crimes, a state judge can raise a sentence from the middle range
to the upper range if he or she finds an "aggravating factor," and
those sentences could be attacked, Levenson said.

"I think there will be lots of litigation before this is resolved,"
she said.

The effect on the federal system seems unquestioned. Justices Sandra
Day O'Connor, a former Arizona state legislator, and Breyer, an
architect of the federal guidelines, wrote long and passionate
dissents predicting the ruling would wreak havoc.

The numbers alone are daunting. In the last four years, 272,191
defendants have been sentenced in the federal courts, O'Connor said.
If the U.S. sentencing guidelines are indeed declared
unconstitutional, all those defendants could claim their punishments
were imposed unconstitutionally, she said.
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