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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: Report Says 1 Of 3 Finish Drug Rehab
Title:US CA: Report Says 1 Of 3 Finish Drug Rehab
Published On:2004-09-23
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 22:10:27

Evaluation Of Prop. 36 Finds Results In Line With Other Court-Mandated
Recovery Programs.

Nearly two-thirds of California drug offenders who began
rehabilitation programs between July 2001 and June 2002 did not finish
them, according to UCLA researchers who evaluated a California law
that sends defendants to treatment rather than prison.

Researchers said the report, which is being released today, was the
first to show statewide results since Proposition 36 took effect
three years ago. The results could be crucial as legislators consider
whether to continue the annual $120 million for treatment programs,
probation and other costs. The funding ends in 2006.

The law, which was passed by 61% of voters, represented a dramatic
shift in how the courts deal with drug users. According to the
148-page report, which evaluated the program through June 30, 2003,
the rates at which drug abusers completed programs were typical of
drug users in other court-mandated programs.

"Considering the scale of it, what's happened with Proposition 36 is
about what you would have expected," said Douglas Longshore, the lead
researcher. "It is not an easy thing to stick with a program to the

More than half of those who entered treatment programs received at
least 90 days of services, the study said.

Longshore said sticking with treatment for that long increases the
chance that drug users will "turn a corner" toward completing

Whites and Asians were more likely to complete the programs, or at
least make it to the 90-day milestone, than African Americans and
Latinos, the study concluded. Researchers attributed the racial gap to
more African Americans and Latinos needing residential treatment but
instead being placed in outpatient programs because of cost and

Del Sayles-Owen, deputy director of the state Department of Alcohol
and Drug Programs, said California has succeeded in diverting
thousands of offenders into treatment, although many have never been
to rehabilitation before and have been abusing drugs for many years.

"We're off to a good start," she said. "We are working with a lot of
people who have a lot of barriers."

Typical of the drug abusers who participate is Sonja Boyce, 27. She
said it would be difficult to beat her two-year addiction to heroin.
She was arrested for drug possession in August and begins
rehabilitation next week.

But she fears that Proposition 36 is "a setup for failure" because
participants can get caught using drugs three times before facing any

Boyce, who appeared in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom Wednesday,
said she has used heroin once since her release from jail. "It's hard
every day," she said. "The addiction is so insane. It's all you think

Offenders do not complete treatment for many reasons. Some encounter
too many obstacles - lack of jobs, transportation or housing,
officials said.

Others are mentally ill or so seriously addicted that they need more
intense help. Others are ambivalent about treatment and relapse, or
are rearrested.

Some law enforcement officials and judges said offenders were getting
too many chances before facing consequences. And they said those who
keep using drugs commit crimes to support their addictions.

"I don't think the law was a good idea," said Ventura County Chief
Deputy Dist. Atty. Mike Frawley. And the way it is being implemented
creates a public safety problem, he said. "You've got known drug users
out in the community continuing to use drugs S and we don't do
anything about it."

The criminal justice community may propose an amendment to the law
that would allow for more sanctions, said Los Angeles County Superior
Court Judge Ana Maria Luna. Though there have been some obstacles,
Luna said that about 5,000 offenders - many with a long history of
drug abuse - are receiving treatment in the county.

Statewide, 30,469 people entered treatment under Proposition 36 in the
first year, with 10,481 completing treatment. In the second year,
35,947 started programs, but the number of graduates was

Thousands of defendants who agreed to participate never started
treatment, the study said.

A judge can give them a second chance to join a rehabilitation
program, but can send them to prison after more failures.

Defendants who are not placed under Proposition 36 can be sent to
county jails or state prison for drug-related convictions, depending
on the charge.

Supporters say the UCLA report shows that the initiative is working -
for offenders and taxpayers.

Proposition 36 is saving state residents money by reducing the number
of drug offenders in prison, which can cost about $30,000 each year
per inmate, said Glenn Backes, director of the Drug Policy Alliance.

"It is a huge policy success and a huge success for families who do
not have to see their loved ones out on the streets using drugs,"
Backes said.

On Wednesday, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mary Strobel
presented Leopoldo Lopez, 45, with a graduation certificate and
dismissed his drug conviction.

"You should feel very proud of yourself," she told him. "You've done a
lot of hard work."

Lopez smiled and said through a Spanish interpreter, "So I don't have
to come back anymore?"

Strobel laughed and told him no, he was done.
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