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News (Media Awareness Project) - US GA: OPED: This Country Can't Afford To Go Dutch
Title:US GA: OPED: This Country Can't Afford To Go Dutch
Published On:2004-09-30
Source:Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA)
Fetched On:2008-08-21 21:33:48

Last week I was returning to Atlanta. Going to the airport, a
twenty-something young man seated behind me related the following account
of his pregnant wife's recent death. "While driving home, I simply dozed
for a few seconds. Rebounding, I found myself drifting into the next lane,
and then it was too late. The truck hit her side and I lost the love of my
life . . . and our first child."

Tragedies happen. Some can be prevented, others can't. Wisdom dictates
vigilance. In pivotal times, it's imperative we don't let our guard down.

Election 2004 is almost here. Do we grasp the significance of the moment?
After Sept. 11 we had our wake-up call --- but how many pushed the snooze
alarm and went back to sleep?

Recently I returned from Amsterdam, where I had another wake-up call and a
preview of where America is headed if we don't awaken and vote our values.

Amsterdam, Holland, is the launch pad for our nation. Remember where our
first settlers came from? Dutch explorer Henry Hudson first came to New
York --- officially called "New Netherlands." New York City was "New
Amsterdam." Brooklyn . . . Harlem . . . the Hudson . . . derive their names
from our ancestors. And what was Holland known for then, which continues today?


Tolerance once meant "respect for others' beliefs." Today it's "respect for
others' conduct." In other words: no absolute standard of morality.

Where can this approach lead? In Amsterdam, these are now legal.


Same-sex marriage

Drugs (hundreds of coffee shops feature hashish with one's mocha)

Prostitution (27,000 "registered" ladies sit in display windows)


Sex-change operations ("gender reassignments") are subsidized by the

The age of sexual consent is now 12.

"Burnout" or dropout from work is rampant and totally financed by tax
dollars. Most get full salary and renew in five-year cycles.

Is this America's future?

Unless we arise humbly and pray, elect godly leaders and resist passivity,
we can lose the love of our life --- America as we once knew her.

Pew Research Center stated in 2000 almost half of America's 59 million
evangelical Christians didn't even register to vote. Only 15 million of 35
million registered went to the polls. Therefore, only 25 percent of
evangelical Christians voted in 2000 (an election decided by about 537 votes).

This election is not Republican vs. Democrat. It's about two different
worldviews. The two leaders hold different positions on the war on terror,
sanctity of human life, protecting the institution of marriage, supporting
faith-based initiatives and many other issues.

As Election Day nears, stay informed and involved. Vote. This is no time to
be asleep at the wheel.
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